Lines Matching refs:Element

37     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_policies_heading}
58 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle}
59 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle}
60 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_host_tpm_toggle}
61 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_virtual_tpm_toggle}
62 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_rtad_toggle}
63 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_usb_firmware_update_policy_toggle}
64 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_secure_version_lockin_toggle}
65 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_host_usb_enablement_toggle}
214 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 15 sec Click Element ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
215 Click Element ${xpath_policies_sub_menu}
217 Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} timeout=1min
244 ... Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ${policy_toggle_button} ${opposite_state_gui}
245 Click Element ${policy_toggle_button}
249 ... Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ${policy_toggle_button} ${state}
261 ... Element Text Should Be ${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle} Enabled
263 ... Element Text Should Be ${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle} Disabled
271 ... Element Text Should Be ${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle} Enabled
273 ... Element Text Should Be ${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle} Disabled
289 ... Run Keywords Click Element ${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle}
290 ... AND Click Element ${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle}
292 ... Click Element ${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle}
299 ... Run Keywords Click Element ${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle}
300 ... AND Click Element ${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle}
302 ... Click Element ${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle}