Lines Matching defs:name

4         "name": "Add valid basic police action",  string
28 "name": "Add police action with duplicate index", string
53 "name": "Add valid police action with mtu", string
77 "name": "Add valid police action with peakrate", string
101 "name": "Add police action with peakrate and no mtu", string
125 "name": "Add police action with valid overhead", string
149 "name": "Add police action with ethernet linklayer type", string
173 "name": "Add police action with atm linklayer type", string
197 "name": "Add police actions with conform-exceed control continue/drop", string
221 "name": "Add police actions with conform-exceed control pass/reclassify", string
245 "name": "Add police actions with conform-exceed control pass/pipe", string
269 "name": "Add police action with invalid rate value", string
293 "name": "Add police action with invalid burst value", string
317 "name": "Add police actions with conform-exceed control pass/pipe [with numeric values]", string
341 "name": "Add police actions with conform-exceed control <invalid>/drop", string
365 "name": "Add police action with invalid peakrate value", string
389 "name": "Add police action with invalid mtu value", string
413 "name": "Add police action with cookie", string
437 "name": "Add police action with maximum index", string
461 "name": "Delete police action", string
486 "name": "Get single police action from many actions", string
518 "name": "Get single police action without specifying index", string
543 "name": "List police actions", string
575 "name": "Flush police actions", string
601 "name": "Add police action with control continue", string
625 "name": "Add police action with control drop", string
649 "name": "Add police action with control ok", string
673 "name": "Add police action with control reclassify", string
697 "name": "Add police action with control pipe", string
721 "name": "Add police action with exceed goto chain control action", string
745 "name": "Replace police action with invalid goto chain control", string
770 "name": "Add valid police action with packets per second rate limit", string
794 "name": "Add invalid police action with both bps and pps", string
818 "name": "Add police action with skip_hw option", string