Lines Matching refs:IPW_DEBUG_INFO
1140 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Unknown NIC type from EEPROM: %d\n", in ipw_led_init()
1431 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Setting rtap filter to " BIT_FMT16 "\n", in rtap_filter_store()
1462 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("enter\n"); in scan_age_store()
1468 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("%s: user supplied invalid value.\n", dev->name); in scan_age_store()
1471 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("set scan_age = %u\n", priv->ieee->scan_age); in scan_age_store()
1474 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("exit\n"); in scan_age_store()
1492 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("enter\n"); in led_store()
1507 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("exit\n"); in led_store()
2281 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("%s: Setting MAC to %pM\n", in ipw_send_adapter_address()
2683 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Writing EEPROM data into SRAM\n"); in ipw_eeprom_init_sram()
2692 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Enabling FW initialization of SRAM\n"); in ipw_eeprom_init_sram()
3006 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("stop master %dms\n", rc); in ipw_stop_master()
3110 IPW_DEBUG_INFO in ipw_load_ucode()
3123 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Microcode is not alive\n"); in ipw_load_ucode()
3127 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("No alive response from DINO\n"); in ipw_load_ucode()
3213 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("dmaAddBuffer Failed\n"); in ipw_load_firmware()
3298 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("FAILED wait for clock stablization\n"); in ipw_init_nic()
3372 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Read firmware '%s' image v%d.%d (%zd bytes)\n", in ipw_get_fw()
3521 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("initial device response after %dms\n", rc); in ipw_load()
3581 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("device response after %dms\n", rc); in ipw_load()
4150 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("failed querying ordinals.\n"); in ipw_get_current_rate()
4850 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("TODO: Calibration\n"); in ipw_rx_notification()
6000 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Scan completed, no valid APs matched " in ipw_debug_config()
6003 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Channel locked to %d\n", priv->channel); in ipw_debug_config()
6005 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Channel unlocked.\n"); in ipw_debug_config()
6007 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("ESSID locked to '%*pE'\n", in ipw_debug_config()
6010 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("ESSID unlocked.\n"); in ipw_debug_config()
6012 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("BSSID locked to %pM\n", priv->bssid); in ipw_debug_config()
6014 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("BSSID unlocked.\n"); in ipw_debug_config()
6016 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("PRIVACY on\n"); in ipw_debug_config()
6018 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("PRIVACY off\n"); in ipw_debug_config()
6019 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("RATE MASK: 0x%08X\n", priv->rates_mask); in ipw_debug_config()
8425 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Auto associate disabled.\n"); in ipw_sw_reset()
8430 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Auto adhoc creation disabled.\n"); in ipw_sw_reset()
8438 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Radio disabled.\n"); in ipw_sw_reset()
8444 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Bind to static channel %d\n", default_channel); in ipw_sw_reset()
8481 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Hardware crypto [%s]\n", hwcrypto ? "on" : "off"); in ipw_sw_reset()
8544 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Setting channel to ANY (0)\n"); in ipw_set_channel()
8555 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Request to set channel to current value (%d)\n", in ipw_set_channel()
8560 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Setting channel to %i\n", (int)channel); in ipw_set_channel()
10021 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("dev->open\n"); in ipw_net_open()
10028 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("dev->close\n"); in ipw_net_stop()
11159 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Configured device on count %i\n", i); in ipw_up()
11168 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Device configuration failed: 0x%08X\n", rc); in ipw_up()
11169 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Failed to config device on retry %d of %d\n", in ipw_up()
11198 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Aborting scan during shutdown.\n"); in ipw_deinit()
11203 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Disassociating during shutdown.\n"); in ipw_deinit()
11219 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Still associated or scanning...\n"); in ipw_deinit()
11221 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("Took %dms to de-init\n", 1000 - i); in ipw_deinit()
11438 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("prom dev->open\n"); in ipw_prom_open()
11458 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("prom dev->stop\n"); in ipw_prom_stop()
11475 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("prom dev->xmit\n"); in ipw_prom_hard_start_xmit()
11612 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("pci_resource_len = 0x%08x\n", length); in ipw_pci_probe()
11613 IPW_DEBUG_INFO("pci_resource_base = %p\n", base); in ipw_pci_probe()