272 typedef struct _ATOM_MASTER_LIST_OF_COMMAND_TABLES{  struct
273 …it; //Function Table, used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
274 USHORT GetDisplaySurfaceSize; //Atomic Table, Used by Bios when enabling HW ICON
275 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from ASIC_Init
276 USHORT VRAM_BlockVenderDetection; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
277 USHORT DIGxEncoderControl; //Only used by Bios
278 …; //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from ASIC_Init
279 …q; //Function Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 2.1
280 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemoryClock if needed
281 …ol; //Function Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.2
282 USHORT GPIOPinControl; //Atomic Table, only used by Bios
283 … //Function Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
284 … //Function Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
285 … //Function Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.2
286 …g; //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from ASIC_Init
287 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemoryClock
288 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemoryClock
289 USHORT MemoryPLLInit; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
290 USHORT AdjustDisplayPll; //Atomic Table, used by various SW componentes.
291 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemoryClock
292 USHORT EnableASIC_StaticPwrMgt; //Atomic Table, only used by Bios
293 USHORT SetUniphyInstance; //Atomic Table, only used by Bios
294 …on; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.2
295 …ontrol; //Atomic Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.3
296 …on; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
297 …rol; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
298 …rol; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
299 …l; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
300 … //Atomic Table, Atomic Table, Obsolete from Ry6xx, use DAC2 Output instead
301 USHORT GetConditionalGoldenSetting; //Only used by Bios
302 … //Function Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
303 USHORT PatchMCSetting; //only used by BIOS
304 USHORT MC_SEQ_Control; //only used by BIOS
305 … //Atomic Table, Obsolete from Ry6xx, Now only used by BIOS for GFX harvesting
306 USHORT EnableScaler; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
307 … //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
308 … //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
309 … //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
310 …r; //Function Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
311 USHORT GetSCLKOverMCLKRatio; //Atomic Table, only used by Bios
312 … //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
313 …C_OverScan; //Atomic Table, used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
314 USHORT GetSMUClockInfo; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
315 …ce; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
316 USHORT EnableGraphSurfaces; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
317 USHORT UpdateCRTC_DoubleBufferRegisters; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
318 USHORT LUT_AutoFill; //Atomic Table, only used by Bios
319 … //Atomic Table, start from DCE11.1, shared by driver and VBIOS, change DISPCLK and DPREFCLK
320 … //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
321 … //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
322 …DTiming; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
323 …Control; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 2.1
324 …rol; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
325 USHORT VRAM_BlockDetectionByStrap; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
326 USHORT MemoryCleanUp; //Atomic Table, only used by Bios
327 USHORT ProcessI2cChannelTransaction; //Function Table,only used by Bios
328 …T WriteOneByteToHWAssistedI2C; //Function Table,indirectly used by various SW components
329 …T ReadHWAssistedI2CStatus; //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components
330 … //Function Table,indirectly used by various SW components,called from ASIC_Init
331 …etection; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
332 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemoryClock
333 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemory/EngineClock
334 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemory or SetEngineClock
335 USHORT VRAM_GetCurrentInfoBlock; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
336 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemoryClock
337 USHORT MemoryTraining; //Atomic Table, used only by Bios
338 …ctrumOnPPLL; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.2
339 …rol; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
340 … //Function Table,directly and/or indirectly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
341 …ol; //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
342 … //Atomic Table, directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
343 … //Function Table,only used by Bios, obsolete soon.Switch to use "ReadEDIDFromHWAssistedI2C"
344 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from ASIC_Init
345 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from SetMemoryClock
346 … //Atomic Table, indirectly used by various SW components,called from EnableVGARender
347 …ntrol; //Atomic Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
348 …ntrol; //Atomic Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
349 …erControl; //Atomic Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
350 …erControl; //Atomic Table,directly used by various SW components,latest version 1.1
351 USHORT ProcessAuxChannelTransaction; //Function Table,only used by Bios
352 USHORT DPEncoderService; //Function Table,only used by Bios
353 USHORT GetVoltageInfo; //Function Table,only used by Bios since SI