History log of /openbmc/webui-vue/src/views/ (Results 351 – 375 of 406)
Revision Date Author Comments
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1f9ed4c326-Mar-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add local user account manual unlock

Adds ability to manually unlock user account if account
service settings lockout duration set to 0.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add local user account manual unlock

Adds ability to manually unlock user account if account
service settings lockout duration set to 0.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I75351c5e03bd5403e8dc7679d8d98b90adb90277

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30abccbe11-Mar-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add Sensors page

- Update api calls to use Redfish
- Add column sort to name and status columns
- Set default table sort to status column
- Added lodash package

Github story: https://github.com/ope

Add Sensors page

- Update api calls to use Redfish
- Add column sort to name and status columns
- Set default table sort to status column
- Added lodash package

Github story: https://github.com/openbmc/webui-vue/issues/4

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ic6e76107475fbf5fb34deb01a4de4a4a9ccfeabf

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fd22b5b013-Mar-2020 Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>

Add alert message component and documentation

- Add custom alert component to simplify the use of custom alerts
- Add documentation for using the custom alert
- Update the login error alert to use t

Add alert message component and documentation

- Add custom alert component to simplify the use of custom alerts
- Add documentation for using the custom alert
- Update the login error alert to use the alert component instead of
the Bootstrap-vue component.
- Register alert component in enhanceApp
- Replace Sass variables used in the StatusIcon component style block
to use the Boostrap theme-color and gray Sass functions so the colors
can be used in the Vuepress documentation custom components

Signed-off-by: Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ibd93402c919a42bd5c24cc9e7c6c8fc6f17a4db4

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a06fe46911-Mar-2020 Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>

Fix accessibility violations and use b-form-group

- Update authError to be set to false in order to hide the error
message when the user logs in. This is needed if the user name
or password are inco

Fix accessibility violations and use b-form-group

- Update authError to be set to false in order to hide the error
message when the user logs in. This is needed if the user name
or password are incorrect multiple times. If it is not hidden
between login attempts, the user will only be notified on the
first attempt.
- Use the b-form-group component for consistency.
- Add id attributes to the required field error messages so that
the error can be added to the input field's aria-describedby attribute

Signed-off-by: Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I86902cc2c85b3bbf156c2920ec2031ee4dccd2ef

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7223a9fb12-Mar-2020 Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>

Revert "Add alert message component and documentation"

This reverts commit 71650fff20c0ad29eb05d770736386863324b64e.

Reason for revert: Found an issue with Sass loader when compiling docs that need

Revert "Add alert message component and documentation"

This reverts commit 71650fff20c0ad29eb05d770736386863324b64e.

Reason for revert: Found an issue with Sass loader when compiling docs that needs to be addressed.

Change-Id: Icdd1243665f60849bfb341594452687fcdaeebe2

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71650fff03-Mar-2020 Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>

Add alert message component and documentation

- Add custom alert component to simplify the use of custom alerts
- Add documentation for using the custom alert
- Update the login error alert to use t

Add alert message component and documentation

- Add custom alert component to simplify the use of custom alerts
- Add documentation for using the custom alert
- Update the login error alert to use the alert component instead of
the Bootstrap-vue component.
- Add the enhanceApp and bmcAppPlugin to extend vuepress to use both
the BMC custom and Boostrap-Vue components along with the custom styles

Signed-off-by: Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I5c0b696ca47ddba0df18041d6c5ee7509bf23572

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36016e4511-Mar-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Fix Overview errors

Updated computed variable names and store actions to match
what is defined in FirmwareStore.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Id95e6cdae6eda4

Fix Overview errors

Updated computed variable names and store actions to match
what is defined in FirmwareStore.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Id95e6cdae6eda4588f2f7b7264c5d4152bfd4c03

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7f970a1f02-Mar-2020 Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>

Remove unused colors from color palette

The color palette has been stripped down to a
maximum of two colors shades per palette. This
works for our design since components use a
base color with a lig

Remove unused colors from color palette

The color palette has been stripped down to a
maximum of two colors shades per palette. This
works for our design since components use a
base color with a lighter color as an accent
color. This change reduces the amount of CSS
generated by Bootstrap when the CSS is compiled.

Github Story: https://github.com/openbmc/webui-vue/issues/2

Signed-off-by: Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I2ddb37f5c89c749a7303799c6f7499ddd83d5a92

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c05ff64826-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add host boot settings to power operations page

Added BootSettingsStore and component to handle changing boot
source, boot override option and TPM required option.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <y

Add host boot settings to power operations page

Added BootSettingsStore and component to handle changing boot
source, boot override option and TPM required option.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I885dd6008aceb34b319953a2e9b6416d848baf16

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a4b9e40a06-Mar-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Fix accessibility violation in user modal

Add missing 'label-for', prop to select dropdown to
fix form accessibility issue.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I89a

Fix accessibility violation in user modal

Add missing 'label-for', prop to select dropdown to
fix form accessibility issue.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I89a530bf67165c4051c7b773917b4d60d0d17a6f

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702ba3ee05-Mar-2020 Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Update Language translation menu

Based on community feedback, language options should be displayed
in native language, e.g Spanish -> Español

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Update Language translation menu

Based on community feedback, language options should be displayed
in native language, e.g Spanish -> Español

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ic066ade3262db7594de851f7219b653ea87af4c3

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4c69f5b726-Feb-2020 Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Move power control to redfish

Replaces power cap store and power consumption store with power control store
and uses redfish.

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I5cce223da173

Move power control to redfish

Replaces power cap store and power consumption store with power control store
and uses redfish.

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I5cce223da17373bcae3e7c6736a4580e1bd8ae00

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c85395f226-Feb-2020 Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Persist language settings using local storage

When user logs in, language setting will be stored in local storage.
Once stored, user does not have to re-select preferred language, but can
still upda

Persist language settings using local storage

When user logs in, language setting will be stored in local storage.
Once stored, user does not have to re-select preferred language, but can
still update language settings on the login page.

Before a language is saved to local storage the locale = null
Renamed 'en.json' to 'en-US' because the vue i18n plugin defaults to
'en-US' when a language is not selected or null.

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I577db3c4578eab30fbfae997dad0ece456fdf231

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fa1512b525-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add power operations page

Add route, component and Control requests to enable
power operations (power on, soft and hard reboot, soft
and hard power off).
This rewrite includes updates to use Redfish

Add power operations page

Add route, component and Control requests to enable
power operations (power on, soft and hard reboot, soft
and hard power off).
This rewrite includes updates to use Redfish endpoints.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I54784b8cc1b6260e44e708c260ea4a531fc0a629

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f12e060704-Mar-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Fix float-right mixin build warning

Bootstrap Sass mixin float-right is deprecated, swapped to use
utitlity class instead.
This will fix warning:
WARNING: The `float-right` mixin has been deprecated

Fix float-right mixin build warning

Bootstrap Sass mixin float-right is deprecated, swapped to use
utitlity class instead.
This will fix warning:
WARNING: The `float-right` mixin has been deprecated as of v4.3.0.
It will be removed entirely in v5.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ib94fff09c9c218143335f9021e0dfe213294b426

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fb78d19103-Mar-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Refactor user management component

Removing dedicated methods to get user accounts and settings
since component methods aren't reused and subsequent requests
after initial load are handled on Store

Refactor user management component

Removing dedicated methods to get user accounts and settings
since component methods aren't reused and subsequent requests
after initial load are handled on Store level.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I18bc18eea0e2e47af01afb518ccd7f0e99c414ab

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eaa0480028-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add translation to user management page

Updated TableToolbar component to handle label translation
outside of the component which is more consistent with bootstrap
table component patterns.


Add translation to user management page

Updated TableToolbar component to handle label translation
outside of the component which is more consistent with bootstrap
table component patterns.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ic2e75e327f6a6067905c541f9a3ea55c5d103f4b

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46a8744626-Feb-2020 Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Move Firmware version call to use Redfish

Updates firmware store to use redfish api for bmc and host firmware

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ib545d62b5211d141307

Move Firmware version call to use Redfish

Updates firmware store to use redfish api for bmc and host firmware

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ib545d62b5211d141307364c0e45a3462f85e9d90

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97f4187e23-Feb-2020 Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Format date and time for international locales

Uninstalls vue-date-fns and uses toLocaleDateString() method to
return formatted date and time.

Date language is set by i18n and time/timezone i

Format date and time for international locales

Uninstalls vue-date-fns and uses toLocaleDateString() method to
return formatted date and time.

Date language is set by i18n and time/timezone is formatted by
browser locale.

Uses vue filter to format date and time as:
- short month, day, year, time and timezone
- 'en' example: Feb 23, 2020, 3:40:25 PM CST
- 'es' example: 25 feb 2020 14:23:36 GMT-6
- hour12 value is determined by browser default

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I4fe8c51f5437cef263f1e0ea4184c0b552c85f4d

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547b5fc324-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Update language json structure

Restructure language file to use consistent pattern
across pages following loose guidelines.

- Create buckets for common global labels
- Create common component objec

Update language json structure

Restructure language file to use consistent pattern
across pages following loose guidelines.

- Create buckets for common global labels
- Create common component objects–appHeader, appNavigation,
- Page specific labels should be nested in an object with a
key prefixed with 'page' followed by the page title
- Any 'major' child components should be nested inside page
specific objects
- Avoid any complex linked locale messages
- Alphabetize object keys, alphabetize nested properties at
end of object block

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ie4222b3ce24dec7af31b55b5a77425ca2f492789

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1b1c100520-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add account settings to local user page

Adds ability to change account LockoutThreshold and
LockoutDuration properties from the GUI.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add account settings to local user page

Adds ability to change account LockoutThreshold and
LockoutDuration properties from the GUI.

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ieeb75aa83c07b3de840bccdfc28e2d6e87512e2e

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52b0223020-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add password requirements to local user page

- Make api call to get user account settings
- Update add/edit user form to include dynamic password
requirement values
- Fix edit username bug by addi

Add password requirements to local user page

- Make api call to get user account settings
- Update add/edit user form to include dynamic password
requirement values
- Fix edit username bug by adding input listener to field
that sets form control to $dirty state and adds
property to PATCH request

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I3535f4214ee12c95d5e502134bf3e36597d2421a

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9d40e30813-Feb-2020 Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Update overview events table and overview network layout

- Convert events list group to bootstrap table
- Add ethernet interfaces to overview using redfish

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm

Update overview events table and overview network layout

- Convert events list group to bootstrap table
- Add ethernet interfaces to overview using redfish

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I633f03ba4a65358861664a869b35adf5358c45e6

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0e893f0318-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Create TableRowAction component

Creating a reusable component to help ensure visual
consistency and code reuse for table actions.
Updated local user management table to use this new


Create TableRowAction component

Creating a reusable component to help ensure visual
consistency and code reuse for table actions.
Updated local user management table to use this new

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ib94df901c5b6a70ee3299f6844b60fa761842b13

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183c275412-Feb-2020 Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>

Add batch actions to local user table

- Create TableToolbar component for table batch actions
- Added Toast warning type and toast title message translations
- Update vue-i18n package to latest v8.1

Add batch actions to local user table

- Create TableToolbar component for table batch actions
- Added Toast warning type and toast title message translations
- Update vue-i18n package to latest v8.15.3 to use improved
pluarlization features

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I455beba4f56b8209b1201bbc5ff3f616e960d189

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