History log of /openbmc/pldm/libpldmresponder/ (Results 76 – 100 of 375)
Revision Date Author Comments
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cbe68b2d23-Feb-2024 Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>

Remove iostream references

With the adoption of LG2 we do not need iostream
prints to the journal. The library was referred but
never used in these cases.

Signed-off-by: Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srini

Remove iostream references

With the adoption of LG2 we do not need iostream
prints to the journal. The library was referred but
never used in these cases.

Signed-off-by: Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I11d3f00284e4f16b63cddb8da2fed14d59672ba1

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e3607a3c16-Feb-2024 Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>

Add state set id support for remote sensor events

In the current state, PLDM does not support having a state set ID
field in the event JSONs, this commit would add that support in
PLDM there by allo

Add state set id support for remote sensor events

In the current state, PLDM does not support having a state set ID
field in the event JSONs, this commit would add that support in
PLDM there by allowing hosts to have multiple sensors with the
same entity instance number, type and container id, but with different
state sets.

TESTED: with pldmtool raw commands sending sensor events to the BMC.

Signed-off-by: Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>
Change-Id: If9bb9bde27d6b35f5904ac199801dbdffde0f57e

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c81d112921-Feb-2024 Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

skip creating effecter when its dbus isn't present

In the current state, we attempt to create an effecter PDR even if
the D-Bus object that is being modeled as an effecter is absent at
the time of c

skip creating effecter when its dbus isn't present

In the current state, we attempt to create an effecter PDR even if
the D-Bus object that is being modeled as an effecter is absent at
the time of creation.

However, this behavior may not be beneficial, as assuming that the
D-Bus backend will magically appear later does not necessarily mean
that we will be able to process it, we only process the JSON files
during the first getPDR request. Therefore, it would be more efficient
to skip creating the effecter in the absence of the D-Bus object.

This commit also addresses an error trace by including the dbus object
path when it is not present on the system, rather than the opaque
effecter id number which does not provide contextual information and
may make it harder to diagnose issues.

Change-Id: I84239c75684f611b7985df027a93ba4531f783d0
Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

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819bb6f120-Feb-2024 Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

skip creating sensors when its dbus is not present

In the current state, we attempt to create a sensor PDR even if the
D-Bus object that is being modeled as a sensor is absent at the time
of creatio

skip creating sensors when its dbus is not present

In the current state, we attempt to create a sensor PDR even if the
D-Bus object that is being modeled as a sensor is absent at the time
of creation.

However, this behavior may not be beneficial, as assuming that the
D-Bus backend will magically appear later does not necessarily mean
that we will be able to process it and send sensor events, since we
only process the JSON files only during the first getPDR request.
Therefore, it would be more efficient to skip creating a sensor during
the absence of the D-Bus object.

This commit also addresses an error trace by including the dbus object
path when it is not present on the system, rather than the opaque sensor
id number which does not provide contextual information and may make it
harder to diagnose issues.

Change-Id: I5747319f15c212ab6654b9d7accfce28782c9565
Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

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a410c65822-Jul-2021 Pavithra Barithaya <pavithra.b@ibm.com>

oem:ibm :Implement SetFruRecordTable

The commit implements the setFruRecordTable command
and also updates the DBus property for the IBM cable cards
for which the host sends a setFruRecordTable comma

oem:ibm :Implement SetFruRecordTable

The commit implements the setFruRecordTable command
and also updates the DBus property for the IBM cable cards
for which the host sends a setFruRecordTable command.

Tested: using pldmtool

Signed-off-by: Pavithra Barithaya <pavithra.b@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I70e4f85f627577d8ca1bc90447b10e9e2e8e7ccd

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2a103ef114-Feb-2024 Kamalkumar Patel <kamalkumar.patel@ibm.com>

Enhancing misguiding error trace

- There are some of the listed paths below which don't have "Present"
property. Due to this, the FRU present property check was throwing
"Resource not found" error w

Enhancing misguiding error trace

- There are some of the listed paths below which don't have "Present"
property. Due to this, the FRU present property check was throwing
"Resource not found" error which misguides the user.

- The commit adds support to fix this misguiding error trace.


Change-Id: I5a8fae3a5dbae428f14ccc90aeba8319a48c11b2
Signed-off-by: Kamalkumar Patel <kamalkumar.patel@ibm.com>

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157f5d0e13-Feb-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are for:
* bus_t
* exception_t
* manager_t
* match_t
* message_t
* object_t
* slot_t

Change-Id: I2edbaa7faa337464bac48e13e910e9519350da9c
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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3c50c82a30-Jan-2024 Kamalkumar Patel <kamalkumar.patel@ibm.com>

Adding Platform specific PDR support

- Adding platform check to generate pdr based on platform type.

- Currently PDR generation is happening based on default
configuration, so this commit adds su

Adding Platform specific PDR support

- Adding platform check to generate pdr based on platform type.

- Currently PDR generation is happening based on default
configuration, so this commit adds support to generate PDR's based
in the platform type.

- Added traces and check from which path the files has been taken for
pdr generation.
- Removed power supply from default path and oem layer and identified
that power supply pdr is not generating.

Change-Id: I6bedf06be7392e02c1ad32af7a552a5a4d6d42c0
Signed-off-by: Kamalkumar Patel <kamalkumar.patel@ibm.com>

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58cbcaf206-Oct-2023 Kamalkumar Patel <kamalkumar.patel@ibm.com>

PLDM:Catching exception precisely and printing it

Correcting catch block in PLDM repo to print all
exception precisely so pldm trace can be more
useful to identify defect easily.

Change-Id: If2e86d

PLDM:Catching exception precisely and printing it

Correcting catch block in PLDM repo to print all
exception precisely so pldm trace can be more
useful to identify defect easily.

Change-Id: If2e86dcb031ddc2e927e7836d7f4359f5b44cdec
Signed-off-by: Kamalkumar Patel <kamalkumar.patel@ibm.com>

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9e6631e222-Jan-2024 Pavithra Barithaya <pavithra.b@ibm.com>

fru: fix in the FRU Record Table

In the current design, when PLDM builds the FRU table, it
incorporates padbytes and checksum. However, the process of
adding or deleting a FRU triggers a rebuild of

fru: fix in the FRU Record Table

In the current design, when PLDM builds the FRU table, it
incorporates padbytes and checksum. However, the process of
adding or deleting a FRU triggers a rebuild of the table, including
the addition of padbytes again.This repetition is leading to a crash
in pldmtool after multiple add/remove operations.

To address the above issue, the proposed commit resolves the problem
by eliminating the inclusion of padbytes and checksum during the
initial construction of the FRU table. Instead, these elements are
added based on requests from the remote endpoint via the
getFRURecordTable command.

Tested: Powered on fine with the change. The pldmtool crash was
not seen.

Change-Id: Ia2fe72034c58e1f7a7f666b54de18989ebd7a618
Signed-off-by: Pavithra Barithaya <pavithra.b@ibm.com>

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7927f90c09-Oct-2023 Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>

bios: Add support for enum value display names

This commits adds changes to add support for the value
display names for the Enum BIOS attributes.

GET on

bios: Add support for enum value display names

This commits adds changes to add support for the value
display names for the Enum BIOS attributes.

GET on
shows list of Attributes under RegistryEntries. Each
attribute corresponds to a knob in BIOS.

If knob in BIOS is of type Enumeration, it will have
'option' with 'text' and 'value'. This text should be
mapped to attribute->Value->ValueDisplayName.

This change only applies to ENUM type of BIOS attributes
and does not make sense for Integer and String attributes.
Hence, we are sending attribute name in place of the
value display name field for these attributes.

The corresponding bios-setting-mgr change which mandated
this change in PLDM is at-

[1] https://github.com/openbmc/bios-settings-mgr/commit/1a448ad88fdaec7e082b4a1c437f7f3c990402cd

Signed-off-by: Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ib2882c93e81a70332e4897b196ae812b63cf6184

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21f128d814-Jan-2024 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

pldm: Use modern libpldm OEM header paths

Fixed with:

sed -Ei 's/libpldm\/([a-z_]+)_oem_ibm\.h/libpldm\/oem\/ibm\/\1.h/' $(git ls-files)
sed -Ei 's/libpldm\/file_io.h/libpldm\/oem\/ibm\/file_io

pldm: Use modern libpldm OEM header paths

Fixed with:

sed -Ei 's/libpldm\/([a-z_]+)_oem_ibm\.h/libpldm\/oem\/ibm\/\1.h/' $(git ls-files)
sed -Ei 's/libpldm\/file_io.h/libpldm\/oem\/ibm\/file_io.h/' $(git ls-files)
sed -Ei 's/libpldm\/host.h/libpldm\/oem\/ibm\/host.h/' $(git ls-files)

Change-Id: Idbe61dcc53754d7e6005b34ae21bec8ab6ed45da
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

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4668f5c814-Jan-2024 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

pldm: Use system include directives for libpldm

libpldm is no-longer a subproject, so let's stop treating it like it is
one by default.

Fixed with:

$ sed -Ei 's/#include "libpldm\/([^"]+).h"/#

pldm: Use system include directives for libpldm

libpldm is no-longer a subproject, so let's stop treating it like it is
one by default.

Fixed with:

$ sed -Ei 's/#include "libpldm\/([^"]+).h"/#include <libpldm\/\1.h>/' $(git grep -lF '"libpldm/')

Change-Id: I9be54661dcee1bdf2575aece8ff250424b4b7b56
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

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90314a3f17-Oct-2023 Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>

Reorganize the setEventReceiver code

This commit is to re-organise the code to make the
setEventReceiver optional when GetTID gets called.

Currently, it is being called on every GetTID command.

Reorganize the setEventReceiver code

This commit is to re-organise the code to make the
setEventReceiver optional when GetTID gets called.

Currently, it is being called on every GetTID command.
This is and OEM behaviour, which was implemented at -

Also, setEventReceiver is a command defined in the platform
Spec, so rightfully placing it under the platform handler.

Signed-off-by: Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ib60e9d46a8eaf4806c5ec2e9575f4e219bc80eab

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d2e4899105-Dec-2023 Delphine CC Chiu <Delphine_CC_Chiu@wiwynn.com>

Refactor: Handler expands TID parameter

Adding tid as a parameter to each handler so that the handler
can know the message sent from which device

- Unit Tests passed.

Change-Id: Ida37bf611

Refactor: Handler expands TID parameter

Adding tid as a parameter to each handler so that the handler
can know the message sent from which device

- Unit Tests passed.

Change-Id: Ida37bf61146d2f59ea11ebc7bf009f7837ed496d
Signed-off-by: Delphine CC Chiu <Delphine_CC_Chiu@wiwynn.com>

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cf77284607-Dec-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

meson: adjust nlohmann-json dependency

Simplify the meson dependency for nlohmann-json, use the consistent
dependency name, and align the wrap file name with other repositories.

Signed-off-by: Patr

meson: adjust nlohmann-json dependency

Simplify the meson dependency for nlohmann-json, use the consistent
dependency name, and align the wrap file name with other repositories.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I3a682a3e07e38d0a1bfe35858e24f1bb74b4ec34

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3687e2b610-Apr-2023 Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>

oem_ibm: Persist the remote PDRs before merging

This commit persists the remote range PDRs in the repo
before they are merged. This change was needed as the
remote terminus would not send down to BM

oem_ibm: Persist the remote PDRs before merging

This commit persists the remote range PDRs in the repo
before they are merged. This change was needed as the
remote terminus would not send down to BMC the entity
Association PDRs of the remote terminus after the BMC
takes a reset after the PDR exchange as the PDRs will be
in BMC range of record handles.

TESTED: Tested by triggering a PDR exchange with the
remote terminus by doing poweron test and also reset the
BMC after the PDR exchange.

Change-Id: Iec2109073f984e5980d9b6e445ce0fa4198d4a0f
Signed-off-by: Sagar Srinivas <sagar.srinivas@ibm.com>

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87bfacd229-Nov-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

build: use allowed over enabled

Meson feature options are typically in a tri-state of enabled, disabled,
or auto. The enabled and disabled functions on an option (from
`get_option`) no longer retur

build: use allowed over enabled

Meson feature options are typically in a tri-state of enabled, disabled,
or auto. The enabled and disabled functions on an option (from
`get_option`) no longer return true for auto features. Instead, the
expectation is to use `allowed()` which is true for both enabled and auto.

Switch all uses of `enabled` to `allowed`.

Change-Id: I794c658531483266bfce6f9b28127a166ed01490
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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6ece21fb10-Oct-2023 Archana Kakani <archana.kakani@ibm.com>

libpldmresponder:Support GetNumericEffecterValue responder

The GetNumericEffecterValue command is used to return the present
numeric setting of a PLDM Numeric Effecter.
This commit adds responder su

libpldmresponder:Support GetNumericEffecterValue responder

The GetNumericEffecterValue command is used to return the present
numeric setting of a PLDM Numeric Effecter.
This commit adds responder support for GetNumericEffecterValue Cmd
as mentioned in Section22.3 of DSP0248_1.2.0.
Currently "effecterOperationalState" field in the response msg is
set to "enabled-noUpdatePending". Actual value can be fetched once
the support for EffecterEvent/SetNumericEffecterEnable is added.

Using pldmtool raw command
Success Case:
pldmtool raw -d 0x80 0x02 0x32 0x23 00
pldmtool: Tx: 08 01 80 02 32 23 00
pldmtool: Rx: 08 01 00 02 32 00 00 01 03 03
Failure Case:
pldmtool raw -d 0x80 0x02 0x32 0x25 0x00
pldmtool: Tx: 08 01 80 02 32 25 00
pldmtool: Rx: 08 01 00 02 32 80

Change-Id: I64a7205d8f69e3925b75b02558a0857b63c70ebf
Signed-off-by: Archana Kakani <archana.kakani@ibm.com>

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a675662c20-Oct-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-17 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-17 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest .clang-format from the docs repository and reformat the

Change-Id: Ib8dfa202f1d59add43fc0d55ab2bf388c8e7c877
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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b75202e519-Oct-2023 Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

Remove a bad trace

During the lg2 refactoring , there was a bad trace that was added
in-accurately. It seem to look like a debug trace which could flood
the journal, removing it as it's not needed f

Remove a bad trace

During the lg2 refactoring , there was a bad trace that was added
in-accurately. It seem to look like a debug trace which could flood
the journal, removing it as it's not needed for release builds.

Change-Id: I29a2ed3cbefe0d2773f2f06ee782f7499bcea481
Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

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1ed5f7a621-May-2023 Rashmica Gupta <rashmica@linux.ibm.com>

pldm: Convert to using libpldm transport APIs

A significant amount of logic can be removed by exploiting the new
transport APIs provided by libpldm. Switch the pldm repository over to
use these by i

pldm: Convert to using libpldm transport APIs

A significant amount of logic can be removed by exploiting the new
transport APIs provided by libpldm. Switch the pldm repository over to
use these by introducing an RAII wrapper for the APIs. The current
stance is to continue using the legacy mctp-demux transport
implementation, but we also provide a build option to switch to the
AF_MCTP transport.

We don't currently have the infrastructure in place to get the correct
TIDs, so to keep everything working as before use the EID as the TID in
the EID-to-TID mapping.

Change-Id: I366f079082b102cfc0e90db0f62208581eb8693e
Signed-off-by: Rashmica Gupta <rashmica@linux.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Delphine CC Chiu <Delphine_CC_Chiu@wiwynn.com>
Signed-off-by: Thu Nguyen <thu@os.amperecomputing.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>
Signed-off-by: Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

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2abbce7617-Oct-2023 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

InstanceIdDb: Move header from pldmd/ to common/

The header is used across all executables produced by the project, which
makes it "common".

Change-Id: I022b179fad1de8dba2ef39fd33bc240ec73a2d33

InstanceIdDb: Move header from pldmd/ to common/

The header is used across all executables produced by the project, which
makes it "common".

Change-Id: I022b179fad1de8dba2ef39fd33bc240ec73a2d33
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

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91a092f618-Sep-2023 vkaverap@in.ibm.com <vkaverap@in.ibm.com>

PLDM:Use new alias of DBUS_TIMEOUT for bus.call

This commit uses a new global variable for DBUS_TIMEOUT which is included as an input parameter for bus.call dbus calls. The new alias makes the bus.c

PLDM:Use new alias of DBUS_TIMEOUT for bus.call

This commit uses a new global variable for DBUS_TIMEOUT which is included as an input parameter for bus.call dbus calls. The new alias makes the bus.call function shorter and readable.

Change-Id: I336c97bc0631d5370ff3648e41f50e3e283d771b
Signed-off-by: vkaverap@in.ibm.com <vkaverap@in.ibm.com>

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5b71b86f21-Aug-2023 vkaverap@in.ibm.com <vkaverap@in.ibm.com>

PLDM: 5 sec timeout for dbus calls without reply

This commit adds 5 second dbus timeout value to dbus calls with no reply. Previously a commit was merged that included 5 seconds dbus timeout value f

PLDM: 5 sec timeout for dbus calls without reply

This commit adds 5 second dbus timeout value to dbus calls with no reply. Previously a commit was merged that included 5 seconds dbus timeout value for all dbus call with reply.

This is added to make sure PLDM does not wait for more than 5 seconds when a dbus call is made with or without reply if no response is received from other daemon or host.

The 5 second timeout value is overridden to 10 seconds in meta-ibm layer

Change-Id: Ic20005d903732ac58bb22a657bf1b0c07439d435
Signed-off-by: vkaverap@in.ibm.com <vkaverap@in.ibm.com>

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