617c0b71 |
| 10-Feb-2020 |
Lei YU <mine260309@gmail.com> |
Install example psu-update@.service
The repo needs an example psu-update@.service, it was expected to be installed by a bitbake recipe, but during the recipe review it turns out that the repo is bet
Install example psu-update@.service
The repo needs an example psu-update@.service, it was expected to be installed by a bitbake recipe, but during the recipe review it turns out that the repo is better to install a default one and it could be overriden by a bbappend.
Move the psu-update@.service from vendor-example to services directory and install it.
Tested: Verify the service is installed.
Signed-off-by: Lei YU <mine260309@gmail.com> Change-Id: I105b201972b32ca3d9e14878b92c9d038a41cbdb
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