History log of /openbmc/phosphor-power/ (Results 126 – 150 of 842)
Revision Date Author Comments
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aded7a0d10-May-2023 faisal <faisal@gfwa601.aus.stglabs.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Retrieve PSU VPD keyword from D-Bus.

Extract PSU VPD keyword from D-Bus and assign associated string value to
VPD string.

Change-Id: Iaf8112df7e388e6fd4363798c92d76f0a67e3b69

psu-ng: Retrieve PSU VPD keyword from D-Bus.

Extract PSU VPD keyword from D-Bus and assign associated string value to
VPD string.

Change-Id: Iaf8112df7e388e6fd4363798c92d76f0a67e3b69
Signed-off-by: Faisal Awada <faisal@us.ibm.com>

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00e1defb11-May-2023 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

remove invalid user from OWNERS file

Occasionally I review the gerrit logs and invalid ID's cause
warning log messages every time a new review is created.

Change-Id: I10f8c5010b3ce5bf030fe166a56d16

remove invalid user from OWNERS file

Occasionally I review the gerrit logs and invalid ID's cause
warning log messages every time a new review is created.

Change-Id: I10f8c5010b3ce5bf030fe166a56d165cfa85b9d2
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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48781aef10-May-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-16 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-16 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest .clang-format from the docs repository and reformat the

Change-Id: If66f68c96df4baf8dc07abf8729a3cb7657e932d
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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0659422901-May-2023 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Fix chassis association call

The association name from a power supply to its chassis changed from
'chassis' to 'powering', so change that in the code.

Also update the code to find the assoc

psu-ng: Fix chassis association call

The association name from a power supply to its chassis changed from
'chassis' to 'powering', so change that in the code.

Also update the code to find the association using the new
GetAssociatedSubTreePaths mapper method which is like the existing
GetSubTreePaths but also ensures the results are an endpoint of the
passed in association path. This way if the 'powering' association is
used to show the power supply powers other things it will still work.

Change-Id: I9076a6b1502ba43a29404a191bd8bc56a9c5df45
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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c6fa666725-Apr-2023 Faisal Awada <faisal@us.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Validate PSUs voltage input

Added logic to verify all power supplies have same input
voltage. When detecting different input voltage an error is

The power input verification

psu-ng: Validate PSUs voltage input

Added logic to verify all power supplies have same input
voltage. When detecting different input voltage an error is

The power input verification test was done on a system with two
different input voltage (110v and 220v) in the following scenarios:

- Chassis Off/On.
- Restart the PSU monitor.
- Stop entity manager and stop PSU monitor then start PSU monitor
after few seconds start entity manager.
- AC power Off/On.
- Hot-Plug power supply.

All scenarios listed above verified to report one error log.

Change-Id: I85cb06517cbcc82cd478aecca0d5ee01eb1cead1
Signed-off-by: Faisal Awada <faisal@us.ibm.com>

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95f6aab212-Apr-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

meson: remove deprecated get_pkgconfig_variable

Since meson 0.56, the `get_pkgconfig_variable` has been deprecated. In
meson 0.58 the `get_variable` was enhanced to no longer require the

meson: remove deprecated get_pkgconfig_variable

Since meson 0.56, the `get_pkgconfig_variable` has been deprecated. In
meson 0.58 the `get_variable` was enhanced to no longer require the
`pkgconfig` keyword argument. Ensure meson 0.58 is required and update
the usage of all `get_pkgconfig_variable` and `get_variable` to be the
modern variant.

Change-Id: I5c96e289619a9677867d3fcf4a7b690d370b80c2
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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b66ae50a01-Apr-2023 Faisal Awada <faisal@us.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Dynamically assign the device driver name

Replaced hardcoded device driver name with a method to build the device
driver name dynamically and assign it to a private data member.

The dynamic

psu-ng: Dynamically assign the device driver name

Replaced hardcoded device driver name with a method to build the device
driver name dynamically and assign it to a private data member.

The dynamically built device driver name used during bind/unbind.

Tested the changes in simulation and actual system, compared journalctl
entries of phosphor-psu-monitor with modified phosphor-psu-monitor. The
following test were conducted and verified same journal output:
- Verified driver name assigned correcty to PSU
- Good Machine Path
- Removed Power Supply
- Inserted Power Supply
- Missing Power Supply

Change-Id: Ic376d4ff058e9a2df1887468932faaa28d998960
Signed-off-by: Faisal Awada <faisal@us.ibm.com>

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6ff01ae830-Mar-2023 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

psu-monitor: adapt do chassis state instance change

phosphor-state-manager moved to a multi chassis and multi host design
point. This made their corresponding service files instance based. For

psu-monitor: adapt do chassis state instance change

phosphor-state-manager moved to a multi chassis and multi host design
point. This made their corresponding service files instance based. For
backwards support, instance 0 will always represent the entire system,
so utilize that as the dependency in this service file.

- Verified in other similar commits that this type of relationship
works as expected

Change-Id: If8ed9abcbb6752ed86c801755df18467cf1e9fe8
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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1aaf9f8522-Mar-2023 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Remove power rating prop if PS not present

When the power is turned on, the input power rating properties were
only being created or updated, and if the PS wasn't present nothing was
being d

psu-ng: Remove power rating prop if PS not present

When the power is turned on, the input power rating properties were
only being created or updated, and if the PS wasn't present nothing was
being done. So if a PS was previously present but was removed, its
property would stay on D-Bus.

Fix that by deleting the interface if the PS isn't present at the time
of the check.

As PLDM is listening for this and it doesn't handle InterfacesRemoved
signals, also set the value to zero before removing it so that they will
at least see a value of zero for the missing PS.

At the time of this writing, the only consumer of this property was
hostboot (the BIOS for IBM systems) via PLDM, and they were also
checking if the PS was present before using it so technically they
weren't broken, but it's good to fix it anyway because it's misleading.

Change-Id: I708014bdb12288d95e77028186b38a812f87e916
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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b40f04c220-Mar-2023 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Change paths of SN/PN/FN files

The cffps2 power supply device driver started showing these fields under
new names in a different directory. Eventually, the ones in the
original location wil

psu-ng: Change paths of SN/PN/FN files

The cffps2 power supply device driver started showing these fields under
new names in a different directory. Eventually, the ones in the
original location will be removed.

Old path: /sys/kernel/debug/pmbux/hwmonX/cffps2
New path: /sys/kernel/debug/pmbux/hwmonX

Old name New Name
fru mfr_model
part_number mfr_revision
header mfr_location
serial_number mfr_serial

Compared the results of introspecting the PS inventory before and after
the changes as the application puts these 4 fields into the inventory.

Change-Id: I0614396c28c08df22d57f88f8be1920d63a10132
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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a068f42410-Mar-2023 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Put input voltage rating on D-Bus

IBM systems must tell the BIOS (called hostboot) the power supply input
voltage rating during a boot, where the rating is 110 or 220. This is
done via PLDM

psu-ng: Put input voltage rating on D-Bus

IBM systems must tell the BIOS (called hostboot) the power supply input
voltage rating during a boot, where the rating is 110 or 220. This is
done via PLDM BIOS attributes where the attribute is backed by a D-Bus

This commit adds support for that by putting the input voltage rating
of each PS on D-Bus using the Value property of the
xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value interface. The path is like

$ busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Power.PSUMonitor \
/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps0_input_voltage_rating \
xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value Value
d 220

$ busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Power.PSUMonitor \
/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps0_input_voltage_rating \
xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value Unit
s "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Volts"

These D-Bus objects won't have any associations, unlike normal sensors,
so they will not show up in any Redfish output as a sensor.

The interface is only created for present power supplies, and is only
updated when the application starts up and when the boot starts.

If a power supply is hot added or removed after that, the D-Bus property
doesn't need to be updated as hostboot has already consumed it.

Change-Id: I277516e8d86f1ba1a75b75fe76c67f192d911f88
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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86433ae828-Feb-2023 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

power-supply: Fix warning by cppcheck

style: Class 'RecordManager' has a constructor with 1 argument that
is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
RecordManager(size_t maxRec):RecordManager(maxRec,

power-supply: Fix warning by cppcheck

style: Class 'RecordManager' has a constructor with 1 argument that
is not explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
RecordManager(size_t maxRec):RecordManager(maxRec, LAST_SEQUENCE_ID)

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: I794f90968beb5ead2fb9612eb5a02284bcbfa659

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b9cf0d2b27-Feb-2023 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

tools: Fix some warnings by cppcheck

Warning message:
tools/i2c/i2c.hpp:30:9: performance: Variable 'busStr' is assigned in
constructor body. Consider performing initialization in
initialization lis

tools: Fix some warnings by cppcheck

Warning message:
tools/i2c/i2c.hpp:30:9: performance: Variable 'busStr' is assigned in
constructor body. Consider performing initialization in
initialization list. [useInitializationList]
busStr = "/dev/i2c-" + std::to_string(busId);

tools/power-utils/updater.cpp:213:18: style: Local variable 'devPath'
shadows outer variable [shadowVariable]
auto devPath = internal::getDevicePath(p);
tools/power-utils/updater.hpp:108:17: note: Shadowed declaration
std::string devPath;
tools/power-utils/updater.cpp:213:18: note: Shadow variable
auto devPath = internal::getDevicePath(p);

Tested: Verify that there are no such warnings in local CI.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: Ibc7536345ee40579256c398646ad00a05b686ab3

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7f6921e528-Feb-2023 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

phosphor-regulators: journal: Fix some warnings by cppcheck

Warning message:
phosphor-regulators/src/journal.cpp:46:5: style: Class
'JournalCloser' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not

phosphor-regulators: journal: Fix some warnings by cppcheck

Warning message:
phosphor-regulators/src/journal.cpp:46:5: style: Class
'JournalCloser' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not
explicit. [noExplicitConstructor]
JournalCloser(sd_journal* journal) : journal{journal}

Tested: Verify that there are no such warnings in local CI.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: I051ffc4905b64ef579b1eb58eac351967a5c6af1

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9464c42927-Feb-2023 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

Fix PSU status when BMC is in standby

Without this patch:
Plug in the power supplies in any order, the power supply that is
plugged in first will report a `PSU_KILL_Fault` in standby, but the

Fix PSU status when BMC is in standby

Without this patch:
Plug in the power supplies in any order, the power supply that is
plugged in first will report a `PSU_KILL_Fault` in standby, but the
problem will be restored after the host is powered on.

With this patch:
Regardless of whether it is in standby or host powered on, this
problem disappears and it works fine.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: I18e0e26a4922dd710e042048625da1cc8b08dd3c

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9659338327-Feb-2023 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

meson: Fix deprecated meson warnings

Fix the warnings related to deprecated meson functions:

WARNING: Project targeting '>= 0.57.0' but tried to use feature
deprecated since '0.56.0': Dependency.ge

meson: Fix deprecated meson warnings

Fix the warnings related to deprecated meson functions:

WARNING: Project targeting '>= 0.57.0' but tried to use feature
deprecated since '0.56.0': Dependency.get_pkgconfig_variable. use
Dependency.get_variable(pkgconfig : ...) instead
WARNING: Project targeting '>= 0.57.0' but tried to use feature
deprecated since '0.56.0': meson.source_root. use
meson.project_source_root() or meson.global_source_root() instead.

Tested: Verify that there are no such warnings in local CI.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: Id076918558f8988c9aa5275cf6585ffc51aa1d9e

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6d42fd8514-Feb-2023 Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>

treewide: remove dependencies on mapper.target

The mapper is dbus activated now, so these explicit dependency
declarations are unnecessary and redundant.

Change-Id: I8f8382de95638680df43b6f18f92655

treewide: remove dependencies on mapper.target

The mapper is dbus activated now, so these explicit dependency
declarations are unnecessary and redundant.

Change-Id: I8f8382de95638680df43b6f18f926556cd03e4a6
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>

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3da879ef26-Jan-2023 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

update service file deps in accordance with recent refactoring

As noted in the following mailing list thread:

and implemented vi

update service file deps in accordance with recent refactoring

As noted in the following mailing list thread:

and implemented via this series of commits:

Some systemd services had their names changed. Update the service files
in this repo to reflect this.

Change-Id: I2121c63ba18222bbd1dfb37a2484d789950a160a
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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7f9288ce08-Dec-2022 Jim Wright <jlwright@us.ibm.com>

psu-ng: Change logic to clear brownout

The chassis component only recognizes brownout clearing and performs
auto power restart when the chassis state is off. Update the power
supply application to c

psu-ng: Change logic to clear brownout

The chassis component only recognizes brownout clearing and performs
auto power restart when the chassis state is off. Update the power
supply application to conform to this expectation.

Tested with a power level disturbance (PLD) hardware tester through a
matrix of varying durations and voltage percentages.

Signed-off-by: Jim Wright <jlwright@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I9938e9b3e2edc3954cc14b330a517889317b4477

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0327fcf009-Dec-2022 Jim Wright <jlwright@us.ibm.com>

pseq: Use more concise bracketing style in config

Per previous review suggestion and to improve readability, use a more
concise bracketing style in configuration files.

Signed-off-by: Jim Wright <j

pseq: Use more concise bracketing style in config

Per previous review suggestion and to improve readability, use a more
concise bracketing style in configuration files.

Signed-off-by: Jim Wright <jlwright@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I1dc8d97c7251eb49e8c13c71c4a33a67d315f7a0

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9469a87612-Dec-2022 Jim Wright <jlwright@us.ibm.com>

pseq: Fix backticks in README

Missing backticks in README Markdown files are causing improper
rendering. Fix them.

Signed-off-by: Jim Wright <jlwright@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ibd49ae61a5188133d89b70

pseq: Fix backticks in README

Missing backticks in README Markdown files are causing improper
rendering. Fix them.

Signed-off-by: Jim Wright <jlwright@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ibd49ae61a5188133d89b70cfb23af80f86d99670

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0dbce56812-Dec-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

prettier: re-format

Prettier is enabled in openbmc-build-scripts on Markdown, JSON, and YAML
files to have consistent formatting for these file types. Re-run the
formatter on the whole repository.

prettier: re-format

Prettier is enabled in openbmc-build-scripts on Markdown, JSON, and YAML
files to have consistent formatting for these file types. Re-run the
formatter on the whole repository.

Change-Id: I53dc3bb17d5dcbb9b33fa3d0db62138f37cc8c0b
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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944ff61c08-Dec-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

beautysh: re-format

beautysh is enabled in the openbmc-build-scripts on Bash/Zsh/POSIX-sh
files to have a consistent formatting. Re-run the formatter on the
whole repository.

Change-Id: If2be5279a

beautysh: re-format

beautysh is enabled in the openbmc-build-scripts on Bash/Zsh/POSIX-sh
files to have a consistent formatting. Re-run the formatter on the
whole repository.

Change-Id: If2be5279a84f72f4b8d58a978305b7c650d4f5be
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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0a2b76bc06-Dec-2022 Shawn McCarney <shawnmm@us.ibm.com>

regulators: Update test cases for new jsonschema

The validate-regulators-config.py tool validates regulator configuration
files. It uses the jsonschema Python package to perform much of the

regulators: Update test cases for new jsonschema

The validate-regulators-config.py tool validates regulator configuration
files. It uses the jsonschema Python package to perform much of the

The automated test cases for this tool run the tool against various
invalid configuration files and verify the resulting error messages.

The latest version of jsonschema changed the error messages that are
emitted in some error cases. Update the test cases to expect the new
error messages.

Signed-off-by: Shawn McCarney <shawnmm@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I369f32705c64c19d521c4624188ebbc98522cff2

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a93243d105-Dec-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

python: fix flake8 warnings and format with black

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I90fe7f4eccb9014245225b6bc61183d7455b0fae
