1962e087 | 05-Aug-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Activate service indicators on new PEL
A service indicator is a device used to add the user during system service actions. In the case of PELs, service indicators are always LEDs.
When a new
PEL: Activate service indicators on new PEL
A service indicator is a device used to add the user during system service actions. In the case of PELs, service indicators are always LEDs.
When a new PEL is created or received from the host, code will check the service indicator policy to see if any indicators need to be set at that time based on the PEL callouts.
There is a specific policy named LightPath that is the default, and it is currently the only supported policy. This policy has a set of rules to say which called out location codes need their indicators activated.
After it determines the location codes, it looks up the corresponding D-Bus inventory paths for them, and then looks up the LED group objects to assert based on those inventory paths.
If, for any reason, the code can't get a complete list of FRU LEDs to turn on, then it will turn on the System Attention Indicator LED. It is still TBD how that is actually done.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I771258a8957fb0944ec1f8787086123e068bc6cc
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6c081cc4 | 05-Aug-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Add callouts to pelFactory()'s test PEL
Add a hardware callout to the PEL that gets returned from pelFactory() in unit test.
This brings the size up to between 400 and 500 so there is also a t
PEL: Add callouts to pelFactory()'s test PEL
Add a hardware callout to the PEL that gets returned from pelFactory() in unit test.
This brings the size up to between 400 and 500 so there is also a testcase update that needs to be made so it doesn't assert.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I64e9ee99c4bae7c804b1c559b8f2f59f6ad828fc
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2f9225a4 | 05-Aug-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Update getInventoryFromLocCode
Add an argument to this function that says if the location code passed in is already expanded (has the fcs and mts placeholders filled in with VPD data).
This wi
PEL: Update getInventoryFromLocCode
Add an argument to this function that says if the location code passed in is already expanded (has the fcs and mts placeholders filled in with VPD data).
This will be used in an upcoming commit that pulls location codes out of PEL callouts.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: Icefa9475962bdf161ddb8b51ce3dab805bcd396b
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22421b9b | 17-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Trace BMC log ID on new PEL, and use fmt
In addition to tracing the PEL ID in the journal when a new PEL is created, also trace the corresponding OpenBMC event log ID.
Use the fmt library to h
PEL: Trace BMC log ID on new PEL, and use fmt
In addition to tracing the PEL ID in the journal when a new PEL is created, also trace the corresponding OpenBMC event log ID.
Use the fmt library to help with the string formatting as things were getting out of hand without it.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I3f7e43f2ed39ff1d1d6a65d0412e3a8c82a86b26
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30ddc9f1 | 16-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Still create PEL when error not in registry
When an OpenBMC event log is created for an error that isn't in the PEL message registry, the code will now find a registry entry using another defau
PEL: Still create PEL when error not in registry
When an OpenBMC event log is created for an error that isn't in the PEL message registry, the code will now find a registry entry using another default error name. This default PEL will contain the severity and any callouts specified by the original event log, and its message used by peltool and possibly Redfish will state that the actual meaning for the error is unknown.
The error name property that was missing from the registry will be placed in the JSON UserData section that hold the AdditionalData property fields under the key ERROR_NAME.
Doing this allows one to see all errors on a system just by looking at PELs, and not miss important ones just because a developer doesn't have their error in the registry yet.
When these are seen, it may be a good idea to create bug reports as a reminder that the missing error needs to be added.
Change-Id: Ifa3db21af96745dd651da5f5af0ab970a952f46a
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0f8a7382 | 22-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Support a default device callouts file
Normally, the device callouts code, which finds the callouts to use for FRUs along a specific device path, will look for a JSON file to use by looping thr
PEL: Support a default device callouts file
Normally, the device callouts code, which finds the callouts to use for FRUs along a specific device path, will look for a JSON file to use by looping through the list of compatible system names and adding '_dev_callouts.json' to the name.
However at this point in time, the code that is supposed to populate that list isn't done yet, so it will always be empty. In order to still be able find a file, have it look for a default file called just _dev_callouts.json after it tries and fails to find one based on system name.
This file will be installed into the flash image from a bitbake recipe, and eventually when that list of names field is populated, it can be renamed in the recipe without having to make a code change here.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I39e9dbb3e921eb5e5be30717a277b07febd2de55
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ff9cec25 | 15-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Watch for manually deleted PEL files
Currently, if someone were to manually delete a PEL file, the Repository class would not know to remove it from its _pelAttributes index which will lead to
PEL: Watch for manually deleted PEL files
Currently, if someone were to manually delete a PEL file, the Repository class would not know to remove it from its _pelAttributes index which will lead to problems down the line.
To fix this, create an inotify watch that looks for files to be deleted in the PEL directory. When one or more is deleted, remove it from the Repository class and also remove the OpenBMC event log for it.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I238c0b886b01e88cc931162a0596b848d1d975b1
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52602e35 | 15-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: On remove() call, return the removed LogID
Have Repository::remove(const LogID& id), which is used to remove a PEL, return the full LogID of the removed PEL instead of not returning anything.
PEL: On remove() call, return the removed LogID
Have Repository::remove(const LogID& id), which is used to remove a PEL, return the full LogID of the removed PEL instead of not returning anything.
That input id only has to have a filled in PEL ID or OpenBMC event log ID field, but not both, so returning the full LogID of the removed PEL ensure the calling code will have both values.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: If869c59acd59563db137d7c9523210539b51a040
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7e727a39 | 07-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Check if PEL pruning necessary on a new PEL
When a new PEL is added check if the size of all PELs is now more than 95% of the maximum capacity. If it is, call the repository's prune() function
PEL: Check if PEL pruning necessary on a new PEL
When a new PEL is added check if the size of all PELs is now more than 95% of the maximum capacity. If it is, call the repository's prune() function from the event loop to make more space. Also delete the OpenBMC event logs corresponding to the PELs that were just deleted.
It's called from the event loop so that the current D-Bus method response that the code is in now can return to the caller first.
It tops out at 95% to ensure that we never go over. It's possible this can be tuned in the future, but at the current 20MB limit that still allows 19MB before pruning will take it down to at most 18MB.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I962866eceee89cd605fcd36ec08b20ff762fe6cd
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b0a8df5b | 07-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Implement respository pruning
This adds a prune() public method on the Repository class to remove PELs down to at most 90% of capacity and then down to 80% of the maximum number of PELs if ther
PEL: Implement respository pruning
This adds a prune() public method on the Repository class to remove PELs down to at most 90% of capacity and then down to 80% of the maximum number of PELs if there were more than the maximum.
It does the first set of pruning by placing each PEL is one of 4 categories, and then reducing the total size of each category. The categories are: * BMC informational PELs - reduced to 15% of max * BMC non-informational PELs - reduced to 30% of max * non-BMC informational PELs - reduced to 15% of max * non-BMC non-informational PELs - reduced to 30% of max
Within each category, PELs are removed oldest first, and also 4 passes are made through the PELs, only removing PELs that meet a specific requirement each pass, stopping as soon as the category limit is reached.
The pass requirements are: * Pass 1: Only remove HMC acked PELs * Pass 2: Only remove OS acked PELs * Pass 3: Only remove host sent PELs * Pass 4: Remove any PEL
After the 4 passes on the 4 categories are done then the number of PELs remaining is checked against the maximum number. If it is more than the maximum, it will remove the PELs down to 80% of that limit using the same 4 passes as above. This is done to keep the number of PELs down to a manageable number when there are a lot of small PELs that don't engage the size based pruning.
The pruning code doesn't just bring the size or number of PELs to just below their limit, but rather a percentage below, so that it won't get into a situation where the algorithm has to run on the repository every single time a PEL is added.
The OpenBMC event log corresponding to the PELs are not removed. That is left to other code.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I24da611c095fd3b22b6b1ffab52d919cac5f68b4
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b188f78a | 07-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Keep size statistics of PEL repo
Keep a running total of several size statistics of the PEL repository.
The statistics are: * Total size of all PELs * Total size of BMC created PELs * Total si
PEL: Keep size statistics of PEL repo
Keep a running total of several size statistics of the PEL repository.
The statistics are: * Total size of all PELs * Total size of BMC created PELs * Total size of BMC created informational PELs * Total size of BMC created non-informational PELs * Total size of non-BMC created PELs * Total size of non-BMC created informational PELs * Total size of non-BMC created non-informational PELs
Here, size refers to the disk size the PEL uses, which is different than the file size. The disk size is retrieved from the stat() function and is the number of 512B blocks used.
The term 'informational' above doesn't strictly refer to the informational severity value (0x0), but also includes other cases, such as hidden recovered PELs.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I07a3ccd7cfe802a344a2db47daba5fb05d56489f
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454f656f | 07-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Create a PEL that takes parameters for test
Make a pelFactory() function that unit tests can use where the caller can specify the following attributes: * ID (PLID also set to this. BMC log ID
PEL: Create a PEL that takes parameters for test
Make a pelFactory() function that unit tests can use where the caller can specify the following attributes: * ID (PLID also set to this. BMC log ID = ID + 500) * Creator ID * Severity * Action Flags * PEL Size
The desired size is reached by adding a UserData section as the last section.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I99add4c17a352030298874340f8bf9d8041a3e74
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8d5f3a2b | 07-Jul-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Add PEL repository capping related fields
If not capped, the PEL repository would keep taking up more and more space as more PELs are added. In preparation for handling this, add a field to th
PEL: Add PEL repository capping related fields
If not capped, the PEL repository would keep taking up more and more space as more PELs are added. In preparation for handling this, add a field to the Repository class to track the total size that all PELs can take up and a field to track the maximum number of PELs that can be stored.
The size value is hardcoded to be 20MB (and 100KB in unit test), though a Repository class constructor allows the number to use to be passed in. The max number of PELs field is hardcoded to 3000 (100 in test) and this can also be changed in the constructor.
In the future if different systems or configurations require different values, then this could be set at configure time. This isn't done now because I want to only add PEL options to the common phosphor-logging configure.ac if absolutely necessary as the majority of phosphor-logging users don't use PELs.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I72609a727229f96bd8ac23a630f25fd8b5c73427
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f61f2921 | 23-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
Support reading VERSION_ID without quotes
The VERSION_ID value in /etc/os-release recently had its surrounding quotation marks removed. Update the code to be able to read values out of /etc/os-rele
Support reading VERSION_ID without quotes
The VERSION_ID value in /etc/os-release recently had its surrounding quotation marks removed. Update the code to be able to read values out of /etc/os-release either with or without quotes, and make it a utility function so that it can be used in multiple places.
Props to the phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt repo for the elegant implementation.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I348625ba49214ab2977d9e70a4337299bef5ed3a
Change-Id: I9d201954a8116dfda32d096a347e150d93fbfb46
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0a90a852 | 04-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Add PEL testcase for device callouts
Add a PEL class unit test where device callouts are included in the PEL.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I22567c29c7e2a8dd0a024
PEL: Add PEL testcase for device callouts
Add a PEL class unit test where device callouts are included in the PEL.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I22567c29c7e2a8dd0a024a459756ee2cde8239fb
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717de428 | 04-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Add device path callouts in SRC section
When the SRC section is created and it has either CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH or (CALLOUT_IIC_BUS, CALLOUT_IIC_ADDR) in the AdditionalData property, look up the
PEL: Add device path callouts in SRC section
When the SRC section is created and it has either CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH or (CALLOUT_IIC_BUS, CALLOUT_IIC_ADDR) in the AdditionalData property, look up the device callouts to add to the section using device_callouts::getCallouts().
CALLOUT_IIC_BUS can either be the plain bus number, like "5", or a /dev path like "/dev/i2c-5". CALLOUT_IIC_ADDR is a 7 bit I2C address and can either be in decimal, like "16", or in hex like "0x10".
For now, it just stores any MRUs that come back in the section debug data that will be added to a UserData section.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I33ae6a3dbc75e2892b29f37cfac414ca9747a2f9
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af191c7a | 04-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Generate HW callouts from the msg registry
Callouts that aren't procedures or symbolic FRUs can be defined in the message registry. Fill in the SRC code that creates these hardware callout obj
PEL: Generate HW callouts from the msg registry
Callouts that aren't procedures or symbolic FRUs can be defined in the message registry. Fill in the SRC code that creates these hardware callout objects in this case.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I610c6c58b8672da283722c1d68b6dfdf28e480e3
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5fb24c11 | 04-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Add location code related stubs
Add 2 location code related API stubs to DataInterface: * expandLocationCode - Fills in the 'Ufcs' template with the actual feature code a
PEL: Add location code related stubs
Add 2 location code related API stubs to DataInterface: * expandLocationCode - Fills in the 'Ufcs' template with the actual feature code and SN. * getInventoryFromLocCode - Returns the inventory D-Bus object path that that location code represents.
These will eventually wrap D-Bus method calls to the VPD daemon when that gets implemented. In the meantime, these can't return valid data on real hardware but they can be mocked to do so.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I955d8bac626d45ffbed63c29c497ad0db37d9b21
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6bc74ae6 | 03-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: devcallouts: Get callouts from the JSON
Using the functions that extract search keys from the device path, look up the callouts in the appriopriate JSON entry and return them as a vector of Cal
PEL: devcallouts: Get callouts from the JSON
Using the functions that extract search keys from the device path, look up the callouts in the appriopriate JSON entry and return them as a vector of Callout objects.
The first callout will have the 'debug' field filled in with the search keys used and the MRW target name of the destination device. In the future this will be added into a UserData section of a PEL with these callouts to make debugging easier - i.e. making it easier to know what device it was that failed when looking at the PEL.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: Ic4df1ce95fbc5ed277b43a1ffca08ce477d5f8c6
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44c0a643 | 03-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: devcallouts: Extract search keys
In order to find the callouts for a device path, the search keys need to be pulled out of the device path.
The keys are: * I2C - bus and address * FSI - link n
PEL: devcallouts: Extract search keys
In order to find the callouts for a device path, the search keys need to be pulled out of the device path.
The keys are: * I2C - bus and address * FSI - link numbers - Multiple link hops separated by dashes like "0-1" * SPI - bus * FSI-I2C - link numbers and I2C bus and address * FSI-SPI - link numbers and SPI bus number
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I1f8bf975fb34a61ea3fa2ac5b397afdc73cd799b
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a307089c | 03-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: devcallouts: Determine access type
Add a function to determine if the device path represents an I2C, FSI, FSI-I2C, or FSI-SPI attached device.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
PEL: devcallouts: Determine access type
Add a function to determine if the device path represents an I2C, FSI, FSI-I2C, or FSI-SPI attached device.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: Ie58452e7988938e9b701357bbb96252be971902f
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18c42b0f | 02-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Add APIs to look up device path callouts
This commit adds the interfaces device_callouts::getCallouts() and device_callouts::getI2CCallouts() that will be used to look up the FRU callouts to ad
PEL: Add APIs to look up device path callouts
This commit adds the interfaces device_callouts::getCallouts() and device_callouts::getI2CCallouts() that will be used to look up the FRU callouts to add to PELs for errors stemming from accessing devices, either by a sysfs path, or in the case of the latter interface an I2C bus and address.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I573d04632fd9fc6356a0ff53f85c2a2c13038962
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e4e11dc2 | 02-Jun-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Simplify test makefile
The test helpers pel_utils.cpp and paths.cpp were getting compiled for each testcase that uses them. Instead, use LDADD so they only get compiled once.
Signed-off-by: M
PEL: Simplify test makefile
The test helpers pel_utils.cpp and paths.cpp were getting compiled for each testcase that uses them. Instead, use LDADD so they only get compiled once.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I86e6590ef67630de0515f6df83dbe5ff7ef12768
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6ea4d5f7 | 20-May-2020 |
Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> |
PEL: Read the compatible system names property
The chassis object in the inventory has (or rather at the time of this writing: will have) a Names property that contains a list of the compatible syst
PEL: Read the compatible system names property
The chassis object in the inventory has (or rather at the time of this writing: will have) a Names property that contains a list of the compatible system types for the current system. An example is: ["company-systemA-4G", "company-systemA", "company"].
Add this to the DataInterface class, and remove the previous 'getSystemType' API that was there but was still stubbed out.
Also change all the calls from getSystemType() to the new call getSystemNames(), and check against all entries in that array to see if the desired name applies to the current system.
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com> Change-Id: I86aa0c15c564153fea612f407c161dfe9041fce6
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620ef38c | 16-Jun-2020 |
Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com> |
ensure time delay in time based test
On some faster machines, the TimeBasedIDTest fails due to there being no time difference between the time based ID's. Ensure there is always a time difference wi
ensure time delay in time based test
On some faster machines, the TimeBasedIDTest fails due to there being no time difference between the time based ID's. Ensure there is always a time difference with a delay.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com> Change-Id: If69c3aead8010f016e13d44f1e106cbc31d0b046
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