History log of /openbmc/phosphor-fan-presence/monitor/ (Results 26 – 50 of 197)
Revision Date Author Comments
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9b06243d26-Jan-2023 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Add explicit keyword to 1 arg constructors

The cppcheck tool complains about it otherwise.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Id977a6c349b0b49354b52ac994ea7742e0a39307

fce1490813-Jan-2023 Chau Ly <chaul@amperecomputing.com>

monitor: Use host state to decide power state

phosphos-fan-monitor service is using pgood to decide the power state.
When power state is off, phosphor-fan-monitor should not check
functionality of f

monitor: Use host state to decide power state

phosphos-fan-monitor service is using pgood to decide the power state.
When power state is off, phosphor-fan-monitor should not check
functionality of fans. However, with Ampere's Softoff (e.g via power
cycle), it takes long for pgood to change state after the command to
power cycle host is taken, so phosphor-fan-monitor fails to detect the
power state is off, and continues to check functionality. This results
in fans being marked non-functional when host is off during power cycle.
This patch offers a package configuration option for choosing to use
CurrentHostState instead of pgood to decide the power state. When the
CurrentHostState is TransitioningToOff, which is set right after the
power cycle command, the power state will be considered as off.

Signed-off-by: Chau Ly <chaul@amperecomputing.com>
Change-Id: I6f459384b1d536f61c5df787d696412acc04ba02

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751c8beb13-Jan-2023 Chau Ly <chaul@amperecomputing.com>

monitor: Add delay for host control

Some OpenBMC platforms use dbus-sensor and entity-manager to create
the fan sensors. In those systems, phosphor-fan-monitor starts before
the fan sensors are crea

monitor: Add delay for host control

Some OpenBMC platforms use dbus-sensor and entity-manager to create
the fan sensors. In those systems, phosphor-fan-monitor starts before
the fan sensors are created during BMC boot up. phosphor-fan-monitor
is designed to shutdown the host when there is no fan tach sensors which
is not desirable in this case. This patch supports a package
configuration option delay-host-control to add a desired delay before
phosphor-fan-monitor turns off host. This can be configured to match
with each system timing.

Signed-off-by: Chau Ly <chaul@amperecomputing.com>
Change-Id: I63cd85eb5e6cb04069ce7b4c21c2f4621d243502

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466bd22825-Jan-2023 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor: Change 'input' to 'actual' in trace

Change the 'input' label in a trace to 'actual' to make it more obvious
that it means the fan's actual speed.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ib

monitor: Change 'input' to 'actual' in trace

Change the 'input' label in a trace to 'actual' to make it more obvious
that it means the fan's actual speed.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I76686bf8b68ad7b8fb5ad994a78a50eb1a60900c

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a49e3f1908-Dec-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

prettier: re-format

Prettier is enabled in openbmc-build-scripts on Markdown, JSON, and YAML
files to have consistent formatting for these file types. Re-run the
formatter on the whole repository.

prettier: re-format

Prettier is enabled in openbmc-build-scripts on Markdown, JSON, and YAML
files to have consistent formatting for these file types. Re-run the
formatter on the whole repository.

Change-Id: I961ec77b2617da3e097e64e0d8e8980bb7e5b426
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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0f2588f205-Dec-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

python: fix flake8 warnings and format with black

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: If25d550660b82ea8c5f2c9b9140f3e7c5f77e906

b3d184b806-Oct-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor:ibm,bonnell: Add minimal config file

Add the minimum fan monitor config file required for Bonnell power on.

It is minimal because:
* It just has entries for one of the two dual rotors on ea

monitor:ibm,bonnell: Add minimal config file

Add the minimum fan monitor config file required for Bonnell power on.

It is minimal because:
* It just has entries for one of the two dual rotors on each fan.
* At least one is required. If none, system will shut down.
* It has no shutdown rules based on faulted/missing fans.
* It copies the other characteristics from Rainier.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I8f2fe4680acbbbaee125462dbc6392e23399ce08

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27cc39f120-Sep-2022 Chau Ly <chaul@amperecomputing.com>

monitor: Support target_path option in configuration file

The target path containing the interface
xyz.openbmc_project.control.FanPwm or
xyz.openbmc_project.control.FanSpeed can be different between

monitor: Support target_path option in configuration file

The target path containing the interface
xyz.openbmc_project.control.FanPwm or
xyz.openbmc_project.control.FanSpeed can be different between
phosphor-hwmon and dbus-sensor.

In phosphor-hwmon, it is "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/".
In dbus-sensor, it is "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/fanpwm/".

This commit supports making this path configurable via "target_path"
as a full object path.
By default, it is the same as the fan tach object path.

Signed-off-by: Chau Ly <chaul@amperecomputing.com>
Change-Id: I2658a462dd49a98ad77d684f2927e6ccae21cd15

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4f472a8626-Aug-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor: Use USR1 signal to dump debug data

Similar to what fan control is already doing, this commit adds a handler
for the USR1 signal to write debug data to /tmp/fan_monitor_dump.json.
The data b

monitor: Use USR1 signal to dump debug data

Similar to what fan control is already doing, this commit adds a handler
for the USR1 signal to write debug data to /tmp/fan_monitor_dump.json.
The data being written is the same data saved in an event log - the
current sensor status plus any of the Logger class's logs.

Example output, which shows fan0 recovering from previous faults:
"logs": [
"Aug 26 17:04:47",
"Setting tach sensor /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0 functional state to false. [target = 18000, input = 3446, allowed range = (10600 - NoMax) owned = true]"
"Aug 26 17:04:47",
"Starting shutdown action 'EPOW Power Off: 60s/60s' due to cause '2 Nonfunctional Fan Rotors'"
"Aug 26 17:04:47",
"Action EPOW Power Off: 60s/60s: Starting service mode timer"
"Aug 26 17:04:47",
"Creating event log for faulted fan /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan0 sensor /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0"
"sensors": {
"sensors": {
"/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0": {
"functional": false,
"in_range": true,
"present": true,
"prev_tachs": "[11829,11867,11829,11867,11829,11867,11718,11467]",
"prev_targets": "[18000,9000,9040,10320,0,0,0,0]",
"tach": 11829.0,
"target": 18000,
"ticks": 18
"/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_1": {
"functional": false,
"in_range": true,
"present": true,
"prev_tachs": "[17857,17772,17857,17772,17201,17045,16741,16375]",
"tach": 17857.0,
"ticks": 20
"/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_0": {
"functional": true,
"in_range": true,
"present": true,
"prev_tachs": "[11755,11792,11755,11792,11755,11792,11755,11792]",
"prev_targets": "[18000,9000,9040,10320,0,0,0,0]",
"tach": 11755.0,
"target": 18000,
"ticks": 0

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I84179f78ec83ca6bab788052d0bebe677c1fd29f

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d16d464a26-Aug-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor: Capture 'in range' status in sensor FFDC

This field provides information if the current sensor tach reading is
considered healthy or not without having to manually do the math based
on the

monitor: Capture 'in range' status in sensor FFDC

This field provides information if the current sensor tach reading is
considered healthy or not without having to manually do the math based
on the current input and target values that fan monitor does.

Example output:

"/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0": {
"functional": true,
"in_range": false,
"present": true,
"prev_tachs": "[3135,3132,3130,3127,3130,3125,3127,3125]",
"prev_targets": "[9000,9040,10320,0,0,0,0,0]",
"tach": 3135.0,
"target": 9000,
"ticks": 27

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ifbb6693f84fd20351bffd96c0a04e4e4872c4662

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f90168a726-Aug-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor: Rearrange FFDC section in error log

Place the fan sensor capture data before the journal data in the FFDC
file list so that if there is a space issue in the event log the fan
sensor data wi

monitor: Rearrange FFDC section in error log

Place the fan sensor capture data before the journal data in the FFDC
file list so that if there is a space issue in the event log the fan
sensor data will still be completely captured as it is usually more

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Icb054103bbd79a1716f5ac8b5cf9ef6e3378c855

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a787af0920-Jun-2022 Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>

meson support: remove autoconf

This commit removes the deprecated autoconf makefiles, artifacts, and
service files which have autoconf-style naming (*.in).

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gma

meson support: remove autoconf

This commit removes the deprecated autoconf makefiles, artifacts, and
service files which have autoconf-style naming (*.in).

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I9c0e6162798c235f899aeb5cd9ecea1a0eee29a5

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bf8e56f629-Jun-2022 Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>

meson support: configuration option removal

D-Bus names and paths that were previously configurable at build-time
are now hard-coded and moved to dbus_paths.hpp to reduce the number of

meson support: configuration option removal

D-Bus names and paths that were previously configurable at build-time
are now hard-coded and moved to dbus_paths.hpp to reduce the number of
configure-time options and simplify maintenance.

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I16d88daad90e747cc40d87c853874b1a5fedf5fa

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a081956f13-Jun-2022 Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>

meson support: create meson.build files

This commit contains the meson.build files necessary to build the
project and unit tests. The normal procedure is to run the command
'meson build' followed by

meson support: create meson.build files

This commit contains the meson.build files necessary to build the
project and unit tests. The normal procedure is to run the command
'meson build' followed by ninja -C build. Additionally, service files
are copied to remove autoconf-style naming convention (they cannot be
removed before autoconf files are removed).

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I6cf8f5c1c923a198ad2fb4638843645479fd0498

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87f9adc411-Aug-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor: Add tick count to error log capture

If the 'count' method of looking for fan faults is configured, add the
tick counts to the fan sensor data capture when an error is created.
While the co

monitor: Add tick count to error log capture

If the 'count' method of looking for fan faults is configured, add the
tick counts to the fan sensor data capture when an error is created.
While the count will of course be at the max for the failed sensor, it
will show the counts for the other sensors which could help show if
other rotors are having issues but just haven't hit the thresholds yet.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I99a3e2480005244df0a0d2d86a36d6e762304bd7

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cb356d4822-Jul-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are for:
* bus_t
* exception_t
* manager_t
* match_t
* message_t
* object_t
* slot_t

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I9029cc722e7712633c15436bd3868d8c3209f567

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477b13bd11-Jul-2022 Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>

monitor,sensor-monitor: catch exceptions when creating BMC dumps

catch and log exceptions thrown when creating BMC dumps

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I986ca3e51302016

monitor,sensor-monitor: catch exceptions when creating BMC dumps

catch and log exceptions thrown when creating BMC dumps

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I986ca3e51302016886ca8ae571054a5b4260a093

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ae01b5fc06-Jul-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor: Don't create errors for missing sensors

Don't start the error timer (so no errors would be created) in the cases
where the tach sensor is being made nonfunctional because its value
can't be

monitor: Don't create errors for missing sensors

Don't start the error timer (so no errors would be created) in the cases
where the tach sensor is being made nonfunctional because its value
can't be found on D-Bus, as that error indicates a problem with the fan
itself, which is fine.

Also don't check any power off actions in this case either so a running
system isn't turned off.

If no sensors at all are on D-Bus, that is already caught during a power

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: If5cd6d1d444be11b9666500db89b4bb82d7b282a

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752f24e406-Jul-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor: Default tach sensors to true

Instead of reading the functional status of the tach sensors out of the
inventory on startup, just default them to true. Any issues with the
fans could then be

monitor: Default tach sensors to true

Instead of reading the functional status of the tach sensors out of the
inventory on startup, just default them to true. Any issues with the
fans could then be rediscovered after the reboot.

This was the original behavior. It was probably changed with the intent
that the shutdown timers could immediately start back up again after a
reboot if things were nonfunctional before.

In practice, we've found that there can be a race between the shutdown
actions turning off the system (due to nonfunctional sensors) and the
sensor objects being marked functional again, even when the only reason
they were nonfunctional before the reboot was because the fan sensor
daemon was turned off before fan monitor on the way down.

For this to make a noticeable change, the shutdown actions/timers would
have to be in progress during the reboot anyway, which is pretty

Worst case, it would extend a shutdown by the time it takes an error to
be rediscovered, which is:

If the 'count' method is configured:
monitor_start_delay + (count_interval * threshold)

If the 'timebased' method is configured:
monitor_start_delay + nonfunc_rotor_error_delay

This has no affect on shutdowns caused by missing fans, as the code
still reads that out of the inventory on startup, plus it can be
instantaneously detected as opposed to being calculated over time.

In summary, extending the shutdown time in very uncommon cases seems
better than mistakenly shutting off a running system, which can be a
huge deal depending on the user.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I2840c5f2e79bd734626b4144713e4428af28551a

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808d7fe813-Jun-2022 Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>

meson support: remove code warnings 1

This commit contains code changes necessary to support the increased
warning level from Meson builds. Most changes are for unused variables.

To keep the review

meson support: remove code warnings 1

This commit contains code changes necessary to support the increased
warning level from Meson builds. Most changes are for unused variables.

To keep the review size manageable, this commit contains only monitor
and presence changes (and top-level json_config.hpp).

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I7280b512c54e8d5aeba3300764a239f3dcbab14d

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7818248223-Jun-2022 Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>

monitor: fix undefined behavior

A recent static analysis check revealed a use-after-free condition in
json_parser.cpp. This fixes the undefined behavior.

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail

monitor: fix undefined behavior

A recent static analysis check revealed a use-after-free condition in
json_parser.cpp. This fixes the undefined behavior.

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I62b82b4982386d14e6ee7225b3ab6f3628e2a416

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0b5a4e0603-Jun-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor:configs:ibm,everest: increase fault delay

Change the time it takes for a out of range fan to be set to
nonfunctional to 45s from 30.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor:configs:ibm,everest: increase fault delay

Change the time it takes for a out of range fan to be set to
nonfunctional to 45s from 30.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I5c4f85e919256e48d2071d51133a39cc74a431f0

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8beef17101-Jun-2022 Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>

monitor: add journal entries to fan PELs

Adds a new JSON section to the PEL that contains the last 25 systemd
journal entries indicating which system services have


monitor: add journal entries to fan PELs

Adds a new JSON section to the PEL that contains the last 25 systemd
journal entries indicating which system services have

Signed-off-by: Mike Capps <mikepcapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I9f8a7ab8bb7c213cde30496327d83e9f3fab7c94

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814fa55424-May-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor:configs:rainier-4u: EPOW config changes

Change the service mode and meltdown delays to 1 minute on the rainier
4U and 1S4U.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I62e6

monitor:configs:rainier-4u: EPOW config changes

Change the service mode and meltdown delays to 1 minute on the rainier
4U and 1S4U.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I62e648e60194937dff376d686c6a34bed59a9a58

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aa119fe420-May-2022 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

monitor:configs:rainier-2u: EPOW config changes

Change the number of failed rotors required to power off to 2, and both
the service mode and meltdown delays to 1 minute.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler

monitor:configs:rainier-2u: EPOW config changes

Change the number of failed rotors required to power off to 2, and both
the service mode and meltdown delays to 1 minute.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Iecc8dd167e5926bb0f180a040a993c9284adcbbd

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