History log of /openbmc/phosphor-dbus-monitor/ (Results 101 – 125 of 170)
Revision Date Author Comments
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cd22786a06-Oct-2017 Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

Implement event manager class

On handling of property change event, If callback is
of type event then event manager would be asked to create
the event dbus objects.

Change-Id: I7f1d365d7f44a1cca545

Implement event manager class

On handling of property change event, If callback is
of type event then event manager would be asked to create
the event dbus objects.

Change-Id: I7f1d365d7f44a1cca54516e9ef555bb132d6b063
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

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ef69ac0221-Feb-2018 Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

Don't take action if the callback is of event type

When event call back is called,There could be two context
1) As part of actual D-bus signal
2) During startup of dbus-monitor
if event call back is

Don't take action if the callback is of event type

When event call back is called,There could be two context
1) As part of actual D-bus signal
2) During startup of dbus-monitor
if event call back is called with context as startup then
don't take any action.

Corrected the index value to fetch the property name.

Change-Id: Ifaae33dc78841c8f771fe3788e75f79d9de6ec12
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

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a45e086d21-Feb-2018 Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

Add callback contexts

Add the notion of a callback context. This enables callbacks
to have logic around the conditions they were invoked in.

There are two context on which call back can be invoked

Add callback contexts

Add the notion of a callback context. This enables callbacks
to have logic around the conditions they were invoked in.

There are two context on which call back can be invoked
1) Startup: during startup all the call backs will be called
2) Signal: As part of condition match on the watched properties.

Callback would behave differently based on the context.
eg: eventCallback
1) Startup: Don't take any action.
2) Signal: Create the Dbus Object for the event.

Change-Id: If455558798ac3e44bbd8a93de0ce1b09d2e308ae
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

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882d741c19-Feb-2018 Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

Include missing header file

we are using the std algo's in this file
but missed to include the c++ algorithm header file.

Change-Id: Ib88f810a048dba18526b7c7cf42d87ba095a27be
Signed-off-by: Ratan G

Include missing header file

we are using the std algo's in this file
but missed to include the c++ algorithm header file.

Change-Id: Ib88f810a048dba18526b7c7cf42d87ba095a27be
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

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c3dfe61717-Dec-2017 Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

Change the access mode of the function getBus

GetBus function provides the same instance of the
bus application in the process.

Now there is a need where we need the same bus instance
at multiple p

Change the access mode of the function getBus

GetBus function provides the same instance of the
bus application in the process.

Now there is a need where we need the same bus instance
at multiple places.

Remove the friend loop, now it is not needed as we have
changed the scope of getBus.

Change-Id: I7e8cda45f3835b1d93be36f317741bc4ae6951a2
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

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40e0db4613-Oct-2017 Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

Adding the section for event call back.

- name: example event callback
description: >
'Callbacks are actions PDM should take when instructed to do so.

Some callback types refer to a

Adding the section for event call back.

- name: example event callback
description: >
'Callbacks are actions PDM should take when instructed to do so.

Some callback types refer to a group of paths and group of properties
in a similar fashion as the property watch directive.

The event callback creates the event D-Bus object with the given name
and the event message.
eg /xyz/openbmc_project/events/test/<id>'
class: callback
callback: event
paths: example path group
properties: example property group
eventName: test
eventMessage: "Test configuration changed."

When fully implemented, event callbacks will create DBus objects for
preconfigured DBus events.

Change-Id: I73d46a9bc630763cc1a74877803a638f3a8d1e1f
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

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90bfaea406-Oct-2017 Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

Initial support for event callbacks

Add parser support for template rendering of events.
Also defines the EventBase and Event classes.
EventBase is parent of Event.

Change-Id: I6b07b415acf510a84375

Initial support for event callbacks

Add parser support for template rendering of events.
Also defines the EventBase and Event classes.
EventBase is parent of Event.

Change-Id: I6b07b415acf510a8437529095bd489c0af73ddf5
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <ratagupt@in.ibm.com>

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80e9b65f02-Nov-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Fix pep8 errors in pdmgen.py

Change-Id: I16cbfa2a3ed646f3ca0aeee0e71b3ada39062941
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

7af9588601-Nov-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Add resolve callouts test to YAML

Change-Id: I9f21e6378f74bf9dd7d413557a80b47ec9c9f829
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

f7a6a46201-Nov-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Add resolve callout example

Change-Id: Ie80bff38947a79cc686eaf9db9c80453d28a4fb6
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

1d6ca48401-Nov-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Add resolve callout rule support to YAML parser

The callout to resolve is specified in the YAML.

Change-Id: If613fae1959c6a54279b2a50c7d858f3e7d831b9
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

f55c1eed01-Nov-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Set Resolved property on elog entry

Fill in the function that sets the Resolved property
on an error log entry.

Change-Id: I78b57c413a7047508b7fc95e0cf27e1ae6e871cf
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spi

Set Resolved property on elog entry

Fill in the function that sets the Resolved property
on an error log entry.

Change-Id: I78b57c413a7047508b7fc95e0cf27e1ae6e871cf
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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4eaa77b331-Oct-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Find the error logs that have a certain callout

In order to find the error logs that have a specific callout,
the code needs to look in the 'endpoints' property of the
'<callout>/fault' D-Bus object

Find the error logs that have a certain callout

In order to find the error logs that have a specific callout,
the code needs to look in the 'endpoints' property of the
'<callout>/fault' D-Bus object.

Change-Id: Idb9c06a6d815195ed47fb6ec914ba8f89539cb85
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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df1b7cfc31-Oct-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Add getBusName() utility function to SDBusPlus

Add a function to SDBusPlus to get the D-Bus bus
name for an object path and interface.

Change-Id: I7d7a533c7430fcf42e1e0f6a21a2453e6c8197ea

Add getBusName() utility function to SDBusPlus

Add a function to SDBusPlus to get the D-Bus bus
name for an object path and interface.

Change-Id: I7d7a533c7430fcf42e1e0f6a21a2453e6c8197ea
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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56fd833d31-Oct-2017 Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

Add ResolveCallout class

This class is a type of callback, and when triggered will
resolve all error log entries that have the specified callout.

It does this by setting the Resolved property on th

Add ResolveCallout class

This class is a type of callback, and when triggered will
resolve all error log entries that have the specified callout.

It does this by setting the Resolved property on the log entry.

It can be used to do things like resolve all errors against a
particular part when that part is replaced, which would be done
by specifying this class as a callback on a watch on the Present
property for the part in the inventory.

Change-Id: I50557938c9e15a91744ee2a16d67eaa7f367ef04
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <spinler@us.ibm.com>

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78199b4425-Oct-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Spelling fixes

Spelling errors found using github.com/lucasdemarchi/codespell
A tool to fix common misspellings.
This tool is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.

Change-Id: I83c84

Spelling fixes

Spelling errors found using github.com/lucasdemarchi/codespell
A tool to fix common misspellings.
This tool is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.

Change-Id: I83c844373ea41d762367085cb16b01d31676e33d
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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937df1a915-Aug-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Add more elog tests

Add tests to callbackgroupgentest/test.yaml

Change-Id: I0b9d4799dd3ed3a4876115594aacbd80caa3f9d0
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

acac602d14-Aug-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Add elog to example.yaml

Change-Id: I97f73dd310cae4b2d67122bc51414e2a5397f0b3
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

2c11e45614-Aug-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Add tests for elog

Change-Id: I58a6ac714cfa80462ab53d4487dc727e40038b06
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

30474cf511-Aug-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Add support for metadata

Added support for metadata in elog.hpp, elog mako file, and pdmgen.
This metadata will be added with the error log.

Change-Id: Iaf0fe24d71f6bdd02b51df208b2c1d66c68319d3

Add support for metadata

Added support for metadata in elog.hpp, elog mako file, and pdmgen.
This metadata will be added with the error log.

Change-Id: Iaf0fe24d71f6bdd02b51df208b2c1d66c68319d3
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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d5faea3108-Aug-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Add support for elog callback

Added support for "callback: elog" in PDM.
templates/elog.mako.cpp is used to generate the Elog call.
templates/errors.mako.hpp is used to generate the errors.hpp

Add support for elog callback

Added support for "callback: elog" in PDM.
templates/elog.mako.cpp is used to generate the Elog call.
templates/errors.mako.hpp is used to generate the errors.hpp
used by generated.hpp to include any error.hpp files like

Change-Id: Id0ae3aca4282095f58a8939b70e398bec706d7f5
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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9679d43e03-Aug-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Create new Elog class

Created new Elog callback, which will create an error log.
This is just the base, more to come.

Change-Id: I50c12c8bff0942b5cb027e38d0cc8691e8a241b4
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mill

Create new Elog class

Created new Elog callback, which will create an error log.
This is just the base, more to come.

Change-Id: I50c12c8bff0942b5cb027e38d0cc8691e8a241b4
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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2df09e2431-Jul-2017 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Grammar fixes in example.yaml

Change-Id: Ia9ae40f1bd590945e2fee662e4437b92c8bd9b09
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

b1e329a602-Aug-2017 Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>

Add phosphor-msl-verify

phosphor-msl-verify is a oneshot application for basic
minimum ship level (MSL) verification.


Add phosphor-msl-verify

phosphor-msl-verify is a oneshot application for basic
minimum ship level (MSL) verification.


Change-Id: Ifa036bb0a45255af7c7773bd910e83c64842d868
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>

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a2e9cdf628-Jun-2017 Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>

Remove dead code

Remove a number of unused files.

Change-Id: If7e40d2be7eb3f5d84538a3c86f911df268a1f34
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>