ea7c3f0c | 15-Sep-2020 |
Ravi Teja <raviteja28031990@gmail.com> |
Add unit testcases for CA certificate authority manager
This test cases can be enabled by using below feature flag "--enable-ca-cert-extension"
Testcases: testObjectCreation testInvalidArgument Del
Add unit testcases for CA certificate authority manager
This test cases can be enabled by using below feature flag "--enable-ca-cert-extension"
Testcases: testObjectCreation testInvalidArgument DeleteAllCSRObjects DeleteObjectEntry
Signed-off-by: Ravi Teja <raviteja28031990@gmail.com> Change-Id: I9e30f28ef73ecdc377ae357e9c73c42063f85137
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a49895ee | 16-Jun-2020 |
Ravi Teja <raviteja28031990@gmail.com> |
Implementation of BMC VMI certificate manager
This manager is to create and manage entries for each host CSR request which needs to shared with host.
this commits implements dbus interfaces https:/
Implementation of BMC VMI certificate manager
This manager is to create and manage entries for each host CSR request which needs to shared with host.
this commits implements dbus interfaces https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz/c/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/+/31808
This feature can be enabled by using below feature flag "--enable-ca-cert-extension"
Testby: Creating CSR entries Deleting entries Setting properties
Signed-off-by: Ravi Teja <raviteja28031990@gmail.com> Change-Id: I24829b839feac6264f32053b9be63daef6599379
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5c515c21 | 10-Jun-2020 |
Zhenfei Tai <ztai@google.com> |
Add documentation of how to use the program in README
I spent some time to understand this process while testing mTLS on bmcweb.
Having some extra documentation should help people new to the commun
Add documentation of how to use the program in README
I spent some time to understand this process while testing mTLS on bmcweb.
Having some extra documentation should help people new to the community.
Signed-off-by: Zhenfei Tai <ztai@google.com> Change-Id: I636c189b5ab5886726af5ce7ce6d2b19ab68f741
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480f30d6 | 21-May-2020 |
Lakshminarayana R. Kammath <lkammath@in.ibm.com> |
unit-test: Enable unit test coverage for certificate manager
Signed-off-by: Lakshminarayana R. Kammath <lkammath@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: I198c7b98c394039da974574856a9318019de7f91 |
c4522d2e | 12-Mar-2020 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Return error if certificate expiry date is beyond year 2038
Any certificate which is uploaded with expiry year greater than 2038 causes the exipry date to be set to time before 1970.
time_t is used
Return error if certificate expiry date is beyond year 2038
Any certificate which is uploaded with expiry year greater than 2038 causes the exipry date to be set to time before 1970.
time_t is used in calculation of expirty date based on seconds from epoch. As time_t is defined as int32 any time beyond 2038 causes integer overflow and generates a negtive number. When the negative number is used in time calculation it generates year before 1970.
Modified to return error if the seconds computed for expiry date is beyond INT_MAX.
This change is required till kernel changes time_t to use 64 bit value.
Tested: Mar 12 11:14:38 xx phosphor-certificate-manager[520]: Certificate install Mar 12 11:14:38 xx phosphor-certificate-manager[520]: Certificate expiry date is beyond year 2038 Mar 12 11:14:38 xx phosphor-certificate-manager[520]: Invalid certificate file. "MESSAGE" : "Certificate expiry date is beyond year 2038", "PRIORITY" : "3", "SECONDS" : "2366947077",
Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: Icb926fe6eebb2ce896ccde2527b7494896653f58
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db5c6fc8 | 10-Mar-2020 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Fix application crash issue with uncaught exception
This change is to not to let the certificate manager crash with uncaught exception in the constructor.
Due to uncaught exception during code upda
Fix application crash issue with uncaught exception
This change is to not to let the certificate manager crash with uncaught exception in the constructor.
Due to uncaught exception during code update application was crashing as shown in below traces phosphor-certificate-manager[804]: Legacy certificate detected, will be installed from: phosphor-certificate-manager[804]: The operation is not allowed hosphor-certificate-manager[804]: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::NotAllowed'
Also caters to fix https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-certificate-manager/issues/12
could not reproduce issue12 but this fix should help
Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: If0156c35dcc8b44659c4846215b6f45a81685c3e
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bddee63b | 10-Feb-2020 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Remove some traces logged as part of application load.
During reboot, existing certificates are loaded to create certificate objects causing too many log statements.
Removing some of the log statem
Remove some traces logged as part of application load.
During reboot, existing certificates are loaded to create certificate objects causing too many log statements.
Removing some of the log statements not critical for debugging purpose to minimise the log statements.
Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: Id68298ee95f35c3f8a24178699dfd84a225ddf3a
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15cbbec2 | 16-Jan-2020 |
Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> |
Change InternalFailure to NotAllowed for replace
This patch is about using NotAllowed instead of InternalFailure for certificate replacement routine. Currently there is a check to prevent replacing
Change InternalFailure to NotAllowed for replace
This patch is about using NotAllowed instead of InternalFailure for certificate replacement routine. Currently there is a check to prevent replacing current certificate with certificate with subject/issuer already existing on the certificate list (currently replacing certificate is not taken into account). And for that case it makes sense to use NotAllowed error instead of InternalFailure.
Tested by replacing one of the currently available certificates with new one with subject/issuer the same as one of the currently available certificate.
Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> Change-Id: Ia480e8fe9b70ba7f0291541f47e78680f48a3646
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73d1fbf3 | 15-Jan-2020 |
Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> |
Installing certificates with the same subject name.
This patch enables the way for installing different CA certificates with the same subject name which could be the use case. The problem is OpenSSL
Installing certificates with the same subject name.
This patch enables the way for installing different CA certificates with the same subject name which could be the use case. The problem is OpenSSL requires certificates file name to be consisted of the certificate subject name hash (as name base) and integer number (as name extension), e.g. "9d66eef0.0": https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/ssl__context/add_verify_path.html https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/man3/SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations.html But finally OpenSSL allows to use many CA certificatates with the same subject name but handling certificate file name extension (e.g. must be consecutive integers numbers) is needed. Current implementation hardcodes name extension to 0. So this patch is about handling certificate file name extension properly.
Tested by installing, deleting and replacing a few CA certificates with the same subject name and checking whether authentication based on them works: - install a few CA certificates and check whether authentication based on them works, - delete single CA certificate and check whether authentication based on the rest works and based on the deleted one do not work, - replace single CA certificate and check whether authentication based on the rest and the new one works and based on the replaced one do not work.
Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> Change-Id: I95b8e77559a9e64f0e6cb95dac60dbad32fbcb86
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2f3563cc | 08-Jan-2020 |
Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> |
Refactoring of certificates managing and storing
This commit is about third stage code refactoring proposed by Zbigniew Kurzynski (zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com) on the mailing list ("phosphor-certif
Refactoring of certificates managing and storing
This commit is about third stage code refactoring proposed by Zbigniew Kurzynski (zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com) on the mailing list ("phosphor-certificate-manager refactoring"): "Changing the way of managing and storing TrustStore certificates".
Following changes are being implemented: - each certificate has its own and unique ID, - authority certificates are kept in files with random names under /etc/ssl/certs/authority and symlinks (based on subject name hash) are created to satisfy OpenSSL library, - restarting bmcweb was moved from certificate class to certs_manager class - certificate uniqueness is based on certificate ID and checked while installing and replacing operation in certs_manager class.
Tested by doing installing/replacing/removing operations on certificate storage using RedFish API.
Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> Change-Id: I0b02a10b940279c46ad9ee07925794262133b1b0
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fe590c4e | 10-Dec-2019 |
Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> |
Limit access permissions for authority cert directory.
This patch is about limit access permissions for authority certificates directory. Additionally this patch fixes UTs issues catched here: https
Limit access permissions for authority cert directory.
This patch is about limit access permissions for authority certificates directory. Additionally this patch fixes UTs issues catched here: https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz/c/openbmc/phosphor-certificate-manager/+/26835 and disscussed here: https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz/c/openbmc/phosphor-certificate-manager/+/27810
Tested: 1) All UTs passed. 2) Manually checked access permissions: root@intel-obmc:~# ls -al /etc/ssl/certs drwx------ 4 root root 80 Dec 10 12:31 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 80 Dec 10 12:31 .. drwx------ 2 root root 40 Dec 10 12:31 authority drwx------ 2 root root 60 Dec 10 12:31 https
Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> Change-Id: I63c698fa776aec01eed44e91ebbae956e707d52d Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com>
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667286e4 | 29-Oct-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Allow only root user to access certificates
This change is to cater allowing only root user to read/write certificates.
Users with ReadOnly and Callback privilege will not be allowed to access the
Allow only root user to access certificates
This change is to cater allowing only root user to read/write certificates.
Users with ReadOnly and Callback privilege will not be allowed to access the certificate folder
At present setting 700 permission for the certificate folder.
Tested: 1) Verified ldap certificate at /etc/nslcd/certs is not accessible to read only users. 2) Verified https certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/https is not accessible to read only users 3) verfied authority certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/ is not accessible to read only users.
Change-Id: I20acb1bf449f64282c6b692bd7063dcdedbd311d Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>
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a3bb38fb | 17-Sep-2019 |
Zbigniew Kurzynski <zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com> |
Certificate delete API – backend.
Till now the Certificate Manager has one-to-one relation with a Certificate class. And the DELETE API provided by the Certificate Manager was enough to delete manag
Certificate delete API – backend.
Till now the Certificate Manager has one-to-one relation with a Certificate class. And the DELETE API provided by the Certificate Manager was enough to delete managed by it certificate.
With introducing Mutual-TLS the relation is changing to one-to-many and current delete API is not sufficient. This commit adds DELETE interface to Certificate class, so each of them can be removed individually. This implementation was done on base of current user account management implementation. The Certificate class exposes the delete interface on DBus. When the API is called the Certificate instance calls proper operation on Certificate Manager which removes it from its internal collection. The rest of the removing certificate process, including service reset remains as it was.
Tested with uploaded multiple TLS certificates. Each Certificate exposes Delete interface on dbus and user is able to delete each of them. The delete API on Certificate Manager object was replaced with DeleteAll interface and results in deleting all loaded certificates.
Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com> Change-Id: I9dd6fa998e8bd8081fbd13549831bc94a4a7aa54
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3b07b77a | 09-Oct-2019 |
Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> |
Enable limiting authority certificates amount.
This patch enables check about authority certificates amount limit and disallows to install new certificate in case limit violation.
Tested: Tests wer
Enable limiting authority certificates amount.
This patch enables check about authority certificates amount limit and disallows to install new certificate in case limit violation.
Tested: Tests were performed manually by trying to install dozen authority certificates over RedFish.
Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Lukwinski <zbigniew.lukwinski@linux.intel.com> Change-Id: Iea83f05e7b6b0ad3e32bc3f2aba710de863b6d34
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db029c95 | 08-Jul-2019 |
Kowalski, Kamil <kamil.kowalski@intel.com> |
Support uploading multiple certificates per authority service.
This request is a proposition of extending current mode=authority with support for multiple certificates instead of single one.
This r
Support uploading multiple certificates per authority service.
This request is a proposition of extending current mode=authority with support for multiple certificates instead of single one.
This review addresses also this issue: https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-certificate-manager/issues/3 but with a restriction to mode=authority. Other modes still operates on a single certification file.
New mode requires that user provides directory path instead of certificate path as --path argument if using --type=authority.
Tested: - Manually tested Install, Remove and Replace paths for existing modes to confirm no change of behavior occurs (authority, client, server) - Manually tested Install, Remove and Replace paths for authority mode to confirm that it behaves as expected i.e. filename is changed on certificate replacement that mirrors change in certificate hash - Confirmed no regression in unit tests
Change-Id: Icd33723c1fc2580679aaaf54b3e99dfb09342402 Signed-off-by: Kowalski, Kamil <kamil.kowalski@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com>
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06a69d7b | 27-Sep-2019 |
Zbigniew Kurzynski <zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com> |
Support uploading multiple certificates [install-backend]
To enable multiple certificates support in certificate manager, and resolve following issues :
openbmc/phosphor-certificate-manager#3, op
Support uploading multiple certificates [install-backend]
To enable multiple certificates support in certificate manager, and resolve following issues :
openbmc/phosphor-certificate-manager#3, openbmc/bmcweb#84
the Install method should return a string with dbus path to just created certificate. It will allow to recognize a new certificate and return proper values in redfish response to certificate POST method.
This change depends on interface change available under this review: https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz/c/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/+/25632
Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com> Depends-On: I58bfb8a86f56923e7f7aca0d10ed7838537d7c14 Change-Id: Ic8ab545c931d89a022acdabd5a755e3bf39e5a79
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2e8c3a50 | 09-Aug-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Fixed error message logged for certificate verification
Return value of certificate verification failure is validated for any known errors like certificate not yet valid, self signed certificate bef
Fixed error message logged for certificate verification
Return value of certificate verification failure is validated for any known errors like certificate not yet valid, self signed certificate before returning error.
As the message logged before comparing with known errors is misleading changed the error message and also level of the log message to INFO.
Tested: phosphor-certificate-manager[556]: Certificate install phosphor-certificate-manager[556]: Certificate loadCert phosphor-certificate-manager[556]: Error occured during X509_verify_cert call, checking for known error phosphor-certificate-manager[556]: Certificate compareKeys phosphor-certificate-manager[556]: Certificate loadCert
"ERROR_STR" : "unable to get local issuer certificate", "ERRCODE" : "20",
Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: I2df9abc766086a9d80063c32ccc8e44b62c48fc1
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7641105d | 07-Aug-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Fix extended key usage value while generating CSR
At present extended key usage values are added as key usage values while generating CSR fixed the same.
Tested: Verified that key usage and extende
Fix extended key usage value while generating CSR
At present extended key usage values are added as key usage values while generating CSR fixed the same.
Tested: Verified that key usage and extended key usage values are displayed properly
[devenrao]$ openssl req -text -in n1.csr Certificate Request: Data: Version: 1 (0x1) Subject: subjectAltName=an.com/subjectAltName=bm.com, L=NJ, CN=w3.ibm.com/name=cp, C=US/emailAddress=abc.com, GN=gn/initials=in/algorithm=EC/extendedKeyUsage=ServerAuthentication/keyUsage=KeyCertSign/keyUsage=DigitalSignature, O=IBM, ST=NY, SN=sn/unstructuredName=un Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: I80e2f82696a695ea551cbb01f6a0fd5a2a416663
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b57d75e2 | 25-Jul-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Fix certificate manager failure after factory reset
Private key file is pre-generated during startup of service for CSR generation as it is time consuming operation.
Noticed after factory reset whe
Fix certificate manager failure after factory reset
Private key file is pre-generated during startup of service for CSR generation as it is time consuming operation.
Noticed after factory reset when writing private key it is trying to create file to non existing directory.
Modified to create parent directory structure before creating private key file
Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: Ida296a0ed139aee0d594870b7d71e376f5b5f7c8
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18e51c92 | 15-Jul-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Fix upload signed certificate error through GUI
Noticed signed certificate uploaded fails certificate validation.
Back-end appends the private key to the uploaded certificate file and initiates cer
Fix upload signed certificate error through GUI
Noticed signed certificate uploaded fails certificate validation.
Back-end appends the private key to the uploaded certificate file and initiates certificate validation.
As end of line character is missing at the end of the uploaded certificate private key is added on the same line.
Inserting end of line character before appending private key.
Tested: 1) Uplaoding signed certificate through GUI 2) Uploading signed certificate through command line
Change-Id: Iee944912a748a81e34ccad012707b925c451433e Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>
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c6e58c7e | 16-Jul-2019 |
Ramesh Iyyar <rameshi1@in.ibm.com> |
Generate RSA Private Key file during application startup
Generating RSA private key file during application startup if rsa key file is not found. Here, the rsa private key file is a hidden file (.rs
Generate RSA Private Key file during application startup
Generating RSA private key file during application startup if rsa key file is not found. Here, the rsa private key file is a hidden file (.rsaprivkey.pem) and placed in certificate file install path which is given during application startup.
This generated rsa private key file will be used to create private key and csr files if certificate manager received the generateCSR request with key pair algorithm as RSA. So, the every time rsa key generation is avoided, because rsa key is generated with keybitlength as 2048 during application startup.
From this change, certificate manager will support only 2048 as key bit length to generated rsa key pair. If user given other than 2048, application will throw error.
Tested By: - Added below unit test case * To check rsa private key file is generated during application startup. * To validate unsupported key bit length. * To check rsa private key file is present or not. * To check rsa private key is picked from rsa private key file while receive the generateCSR request. - Manual test case * Restarted certificate manager application to check rsa private key file is generated. systemctl restart phosphor-certificate-manager@bmcweb.service
* Invoked genearteCSR request by using curl command to check generated rsa private key file is used to create private key and csr file. curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_token" -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/CertificateService/Actions/ CertificateService.GenerateCSR/ -d @generate_https.json
Change-Id: I876779f1ab36f52774c52041d68304a610ea261b Signed-off-by: Ramesh Iyyar <rameshi1@in.ibm.com>
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cd30c496 | 12-Jun-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Append private key from the system to CA signed certificate
A CSR request is intiated which creates a private key file and CSR file in the system.
CSR file is passed onto the CA to sign the certifi
Append private key from the system to CA signed certificate
A CSR request is intiated which creates a private key file and CSR file in the system.
CSR file is passed onto the CA to sign the certificate.
If the CA signed certificate file does not have private key use the private key generated as part of the CSR request from the system.
After sucessfull validation append the private key with the CA signed file and store in the system.
Tested: 1) Verifid when uploading a certificate file without private key system is using the private key file from the system.
Change-Id: I9a5313af64f87fdb1d9189558c95ab75ce317a73 Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>
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ffad1ef1 | 03-Jun-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Manage certificates created by applications
Added watch on certificate path to watch on certificates created/updated by apps.
As part of watch notification, create new D-Bus new certificate and for
Manage certificates created by applications
Added watch on certificate path to watch on certificates created/updated by apps.
As part of watch notification, create new D-Bus new certificate and for existing D-Bus object update the properties.
Tested: Test case 1 1) Ensure no certificate is present 2) Restart certificate service 3) Restart bmcweb service 4) Verified that certificate object is created for the self-signed certificate created by bmcweb.
Test case 2 1) After a certificate is present 2) Modify the bmcweb certificate by replacing it with a valid certificate manually. 3) Verified that certificate manager is notified and certificate objects properties are updated.
Test case 3 1) Upload CSR based certificate file 2) Verified that private key is appended to the file
Test case 4 1) Create a dummy file in certificate folder 2) Verified that notification is received and file is ignored
Test case 5 1) Verified install, replace, generate csr.
Change-Id: I7d1e3624958e4b68e5ba7bc6150c19b11fca501a Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>
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8a09b52a | 07-Jun-2019 |
Ramesh Iyyar <rameshi1@in.ibm.com> |
Added support to generate CSR based on ECC approach
In existing, phosphor-certificate-manager is supported RSA approach to generate CSR. As per Redfish certificate schema, CSR can generate either RS
Added support to generate CSR based on ECC approach
In existing, phosphor-certificate-manager is supported RSA approach to generate CSR. As per Redfish certificate schema, CSR can generate either RSA or ECC by passing KeyPairAlgorithm. So, In this commit ECC based CSR generation is added.
Openssl API are used for generating ECC key pair.
User Input Validation: - ECC approach is used as default if user does not give algorithm type. - Default KeyBitLength and CurveId used as "2048" and "secp224r1" respectively if user does not give. - Error will be thrown if algorithm given other than RSA and ECC.
In this commit refactor also done by splitting RSA key generation from writePrivateKey().
Tested by: - Added unit test cases to verify unsupported KeyPairAlgorithm and KeyPairCurveID, ECC Key generation.
- Tested by BMC-web(Redfish) to generate CSR based on ECC. curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_token" -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/CertificateService/Actions/ CertificateService.GenerateCSR/ -d @generate_https.json
Change-Id: I523293ee2ff6da2964e8c3d4380eefc96bf1f36b Signed-off-by: Ramesh Iyyar <rameshi1@in.ibm.com>
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dec5877c | 11-Jun-2019 |
Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com> |
Fix subject property value is set with certificate string
Noticed subject property value is set with certificate string value and subject value.
Change-Id: Ie8c6420e607550f6d8c573b2ebcf723494fdd8f8
Fix subject property value is set with certificate string
Noticed subject property value is set with certificate string value and subject value.
Change-Id: Ie8c6420e607550f6d8c573b2ebcf723494fdd8f8 Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>
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