History log of /openbmc/phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt/ (Results 26 – 50 of 424)
Revision Date Author Comments
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b7df12cc12-Nov-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

update usb-code-update service dependencies

Remove the usb-code-update Wants dependencies on old update service and
add After dependencies on Software.Manager service.

Verified with new ser

update usb-code-update service dependencies

Remove the usb-code-update Wants dependencies on old update service and
add After dependencies on Software.Manager service.

Verified with new service enabled and usb-code-updater starts fine.

Change-Id: I4906fc8ca447f14f72e718f4a55c0bd3adf6f940
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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58d6982c12-Nov-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

disable service files for Updater and Version

Add the service files for Updater and Version manager only if the
software-update-dbus-interface meson option is disabled. These services
will be repla

disable service files for Updater and Version

Add the service files for Updater and Version manager only if the
software-update-dbus-interface meson option is disabled. These services
will be replaced by new Software.Manager service.

Tested -
> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -X POST -F UpdateParameters="{\"Targets\":[\"/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/a79d71e4\"],\"@Redfish.OperationApplyTime\":\"OnReset\"};type=application/json" -F "UpdateFile=@obmc-phosphor-image-romulus-20241015174416.static.mtd.tar;type=application/octet-stream" https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0",
"@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task",
"Id": "0",
"TaskState": "Running",
"TaskStatus": "OK"

> systemctl status xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Manager
* xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Manager.service - Phosphor Software Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Manager.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-11-14 00:54:43 UTC; 2min 8s ago
Process: 272 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /tmp/images (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 290 (phosphor-softwa)
CPU: 995ms
CGroup: /system.slice/xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Manager.service
`-290 /usr/bin/phosphor-software-manager

Nov 14 00:54:11 romulus systemd[1]: Starting Phosphor Software Manager...
Nov 14 00:54:22 romulus phosphor-software-manager[290]: Creating Software Manager
Nov 14 00:54:43 romulus systemd[1]: Started Phosphor Software Manager.

> systemctl status xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.service
* xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.service - Phosphor Version Software Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-11-14 01:35:19 UTC; 38s ago
Process: 345 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /tmp/images (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 350 (phosphor-versio)
CPU: 391ms
CGroup: /system.slice/xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.service
`-350 /usr/bin/phosphor-version-software-manager

Nov 14 01:35:10 romulus systemd[1]: Starting Phosphor Version Software Manager...
Nov 14 01:35:19 romulus systemd[1]: Started Phosphor Version Software Manager.
> systemctl status xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater.service
* xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater.service - OpenBMC Software Update Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater.service.d
Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-11-14 01:35:00 UTC; 1min 20s ago
Main PID: 271 (phosphor-image-)
CPU: 825ms
CGroup: /system.slice/xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater.service
`-271 /usr/bin/phosphor-image-updater

Nov 14 01:34:42 romulus systemd[1]: Starting OpenBMC Software Update Manager...

> systemctl status xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Manager.service
Unit xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Manager.service could not be found.

Change-Id: I67b40d18fce6e5a67d6fad9a5e3c7a0c74cd11aa
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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46f2a39804-Nov-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

verify the image purpose with updater type

Verify the image purpose with updater type to make sure the correct
image is targeted for a given updater type.

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $t

verify the image purpose with updater type

Verify the image purpose with updater type to make sure the correct
image is targeted for a given updater type.

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -X POST -T bios_image.tar https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0",
"@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task",
"Id": "0",
"TaskState": "Running",
"TaskStatus": "OK"

Nov 05 01:51:54 romulus phosphor-software-manager[582]: Purpose (xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host) is not supported
Nov 05 01:51:54 romulus phosphor-software-manager[582]: An error occurred processing the image.

curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0",
"@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task",
"EndTime": "2024-11-05T01:51:54+00:00",
"HidePayload": false,
"Id": "0",
"Messages": [
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message",
"Message": "The task with Id '0' has started.",
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "TaskEvent.1.0.3.TaskStarted",
"MessageSeverity": "OK",
"Resolution": "None."
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message",
"Message": "The task with Id '0' has completed with errors.",
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "TaskEvent.1.0.3.TaskAborted",
"MessageSeverity": "Critical",
"Resolution": "None."
"Name": "Task 0",
"Payload": {
"HttpHeaders": [],
"HttpOperation": "POST",
"JsonBody": "null",
"TargetUri": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update"
"PercentComplete": 0,
"StartTime": "2024-11-05T01:51:25+00:00",
"TaskMonitor": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/TaskMonitors/0",
"TaskState": "Exception",
"TaskStatus": "Warning"

Change-Id: I9eada7cc929a5518b44f28249a1cf8c5a55a5384
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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054954a014-Aug-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

add the existing event messages to update manager

Currently, the image manager reports bunch of error messages which gets
consumed by webui applications. Although these events seem very specific

add the existing event messages to update manager

Currently, the image manager reports bunch of error messages which gets
consumed by webui applications. Although these events seem very specific
to bmc code management, i.e., doesn't conform to Redfish message
registry but these are needed for backwards compatibility. Hence adding
them. In future redfish message registry related events will be added to
the flow.

Change-Id: I02651332d2951ede85dc48bf2b36230d32b9ea36
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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6fbb54c003-Aug-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

use start update D-Bus interface for usb manager

Use the start update D-Bus interface for usb manager. This change is
based on -

use start update D-Bus interface for usb manager

Use the start update D-Bus interface for usb manager. This change is
based on -

<6> StartUpdate succeeded, objectPath: /xyz/openbmc_project/software/ce236cf7

Change-Id: Ie8337836537d5ca5aca4bcaa0aa86cbd018752eb
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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dd003f5413-Aug-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

add bios update support

The BIOS would be updated using multipart-form update as HTTP Push URI
is being default used for BMC updates.

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X GET https://

add bios update support

The BIOS would be updated using multipart-form update as HTTP Push URI
is being default used for BMC updates.

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/bios_active
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/bios_active",
"@odata.type": "#SoftwareInventory.v1_1_0.SoftwareInventory",
"Description": "Host image",
"Id": "bios_active",
"Name": "Software Inventory",
"RelatedItem": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Bios"
"RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"HealthRollup": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"Updateable": true,
"Version": "null"

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -X POST -F UpdateParameters="{\"Targets\":[\"/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/bios_active\"],\"@Redfish.OperationApplyTime\":\"OnReset\"};type=appli
cation/json" -F "UpdateFile=@bios_image.tar;type=application/octet-stream" https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0",
"@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task",
"Id": "0",
"TaskState": "Running",
"TaskStatus": "OK"

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/bios_active
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/bios_active",
"@odata.type": "#SoftwareInventory.v1_1_0.SoftwareInventory",
"Description": "Host image",
"Id": "bios_active",
"Name": "Software Inventory",
"RelatedItem": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Bios"
"RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"HealthRollup": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"Updateable": true,
"Version": "2.17.0-dev-703-g61fd99b720-TestBios"

Change-Id: I213e28d7d1a00aa15f695ab855a96961113548ae
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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5d65568120-Sep-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

Request maintainers access for the repo


Request maintainers access for the repo



Change-Id: Ie7228a487b699c2b639bf260dc6d8dc3493ea505
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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e738f39713-Aug-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

add build flag for software-update-dbus-interface

Change-Id: I8f84ab78b5b7d0930d0e34d840da2933bb30b5e7
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

2e50670003-Aug-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

add meson dependency for phosphor-dbus-interfaces

Add the meson dependency for phosphor-dbus-interfaces for usb manager
for using the start update D-Bus interface. This change is based on -

add meson dependency for phosphor-dbus-interfaces

Add the meson dependency for phosphor-dbus-interfaces for usb manager
for using the start update D-Bus interface. This change is based on -

Change-Id: I0a2e0526e27f94d22162b760cb62356e9d855ee4
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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c111b93c12-Aug-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

Skip updateable association for functional BMC

The updateable association should only be created for non-functional
BMCs for dual image systems, otherwise create the updateable association
by defaul

Skip updateable association for functional BMC

The updateable association should only be created for non-functional
BMCs for dual image systems, otherwise create the updateable association
by default for single image systems. Add object path to version class as
it will be needed for update interface and updateable association

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/3c956be0
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/3c956be0",
"@odata.type": "#SoftwareInventory.v1_1_0.SoftwareInventory",
"Description": "BMC image",
"Id": "3c956be0",
"Name": "Software Inventory",
"RelatedItem": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc"
"RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"HealthRollup": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"Updateable": true,
"Version": "2.16.0-dev-1063-g57294f9ba2-dirty"
Updateable is marked true for inventory with update interface.

Change-Id: I93b6a6ae36e2d0a06e8f5f97d04007da7707f1d6
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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463917e127-Aug-2024 Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>

Build update_manager.cpp by default

The update_manager is used to determine if the new code update API
should be used.

Tested: Verified the existing interfaces still worked.

Change-Id: I2f00e3c996

Build update_manager.cpp by default

The update_manager is used to determine if the new code update API
should be used.

Tested: Verified the existing interfaces still worked.

Change-Id: I2f00e3c996966bc904eb68b09acbd197421dc6a4
Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>

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6d131aa708-Apr-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

start-update-interface: implement update manager

Implement the update manager module for the new daemon inheriting from
the Update D-Bus interface. Link with new interface APIs from
item_updater and

start-update-interface: implement update manager

Implement the update manager module for the new daemon inheriting from
the Update D-Bus interface. Link with new interface APIs from
item_updater and software utils. New daemon will continue to exist at
runtime alongwith old flow, until old flow is deprecated and removed.
This change is based on -

Change-Id: I0ecbbb8fc5340de7f66f8870ae389b405a2debee
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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2431e7f608-Apr-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

start-update-interface: add software_utils

Refactor and move the common code into software_utils namespace. Add new
untar API which untars from a unix_fd. This change is based on -

start-update-interface: add software_utils

Refactor and move the common code into software_utils namespace. Add new
untar API which untars from a unix_fd. This change is based on -

Change-Id: Ifcbf78a06ef482ca7c7765efd5c24a533399b979
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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bb024eba08-Apr-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

start-update-interface: item_updater & activation

Refactor item_updater so new update-manager module can call create the
required interfaces such as version, activation etc for the incoming
update r

start-update-interface: item_updater & activation

Refactor item_updater so new update-manager module can call create the
required interfaces such as version, activation etc for the incoming
update request. To facilitate this, new APIs are exposed and
useUpdateDBusInterface is added to class constructor so required
initializations can be performed accordingly. useUpdateDBusInterface
helps to skip D-Bus callback registration for new software interfaces as
item_updater will rely on start update D-Bus interface for intercepting
image update requests.
The apply time will be passed to the software manager via start update
interface, so this patch adds an apply time parameter to the activation
class. checkApplyTimeImmediate() can decide based on
useUpdateDBusInterface whether to use the ApplyTime value from
activation class or get it from the Settingsd for the old legacy flow.
This change is based on -

Change-Id: I8477b0850f0a18630c197774bfa076d4c98096b1
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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fc33ba8616-Aug-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: re-format for clang-18

clang-format-18 isn't compatible with the clang-format-17 output, so we
need to reformat the code with the latest version. The way clang-18
handles lambda forma

clang-format: re-format for clang-18

clang-format-18 isn't compatible with the clang-format-17 output, so we
need to reformat the code with the latest version. The way clang-18
handles lambda formatting also changed, so we have made changes to the
organization default style format to better handle lambda formatting.

See I5e08687e696dd240402a2780158664b7113def0e for updated style.
See Iea0776aaa7edd483fa395e23de25ebf5a6288f71 for clang-18 enablement.

Change-Id: I2b9626d95674508bb090745de6471fe2755c89fd
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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b114f62b06-Aug-2024 George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>

test/README.md: Update access permissions

The default access permission for the README.md file should be 664.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: Ia2c14646fd99eab3a580b1c2

test/README.md: Update access permissions

The default access permission for the README.md file should be 664.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: Ia2c14646fd99eab3a580b1c276a46ff2f604b1ae

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0f3b106405-Aug-2024 George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>

test/README.md: Fix MD040 warnings

The following warnings are generated by using markdownlint analysis:
MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "

test/README.md: Fix MD040 warnings

The following warnings are generated by using markdownlint analysis:
MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"]
Refer to markdown-lint [1] to fix MD040
[1]: https://github.com/updownpress/markdown-lint/blob/master/rules/040-fenced-code-language.md

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: Ia1af9ab633a14fb94bb6bb26800238fcb1d4ff95

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6290f34f05-Aug-2024 George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>

test/README.md: Fix MD004 warnings

The following warnings are generated by using markdownlint analysis:
MD004/ul-style Unordered list style [Expected: dash; Actual: asterisk]
Refer to markdo

test/README.md: Fix MD004 warnings

The following warnings are generated by using markdownlint analysis:
MD004/ul-style Unordered list style [Expected: dash; Actual: asterisk]
Refer to markdown-lint [1] to fix MD004
[1]: https://github.com/updownpress/markdown-lint/blob/master/rules/004-ul-style.md

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: If4b0dcbd538a886d593ab3162f019a817eadeedd

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66936f4e05-Aug-2024 George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>

test/README.md: Fix MD041 warnings

The following warnings are generated by using markdownlint analysis:
MD041/first-line-heading/first-line-h1 First line in a file should be a top-level heading

test/README.md: Fix MD041 warnings

The following warnings are generated by using markdownlint analysis:
MD041/first-line-heading/first-line-h1 First line in a file should be a top-level heading [Context: "Instructions on how to execute..."]
Refer to markdown-lint [1] to fix MD041
[1]: https://github.com/updownpress/markdown-lint/blob/master/rules/041-first-line-h1.md

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: I957dbc3093701663267a93bee4f2c688b1f9d1e8

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e2dac25618-Jul-2024 Rashmica Gupta <rashmica@linux.ibm.com>

gen-bios-tar: Update private signing key

Updating from 1024 bits to 4096 bits for a more secure key

Change-Id: Idaa9bcdc04ec4143ff8035c84040646458bf8398
Signed-off-by: Rashmica Gupta <rashmica@linu

gen-bios-tar: Update private signing key

Updating from 1024 bits to 4096 bits for a more secure key

Change-Id: Idaa9bcdc04ec4143ff8035c84040646458bf8398
Signed-off-by: Rashmica Gupta <rashmica@linux.ibm.com>

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7b11bbac24-Jun-2024 Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>

Move the MinimumVersion property to the id path

Per feedback from the bmcweb maintainers, move the recently added
MinimumVersion property to the software/<functional-id>/ path since it's
tied to the

Move the MinimumVersion property to the id path

Per feedback from the bmcweb maintainers, move the recently added
MinimumVersion property to the software/<functional-id>/ path since it's
tied to the BMC version.

root@witherspoon:~# busctl
get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater
xyz.openbmc_project.Software.MinimumVersion MinimumVersion
s "2.15.0"

Change-Id: I6c84d90282f4d58d0f776e9482d867208bbfe077
Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>

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5cac406a24-Jun-2024 Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

clang-tidy: Enable performance-inefficient-string-concatenation

This check warns about the performance overhead arising from
concatenating strings using the operator+

Change-Id: I93a5797adb0ffc9aa1

clang-tidy: Enable performance-inefficient-string-concatenation

This check warns about the performance overhead arising from
concatenating strings using the operator+

Change-Id: I93a5797adb0ffc9aa1d2353bab0a5ff6773ec6d5
Signed-off-by: Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

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cfaf083704-Jul-2024 Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

clang-tidy: Enable a clang-analyzer and readability check

This commit enables clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores check
which indicates that there are variables in your code that are
assigned values

clang-tidy: Enable a clang-analyzer and readability check

This commit enables clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores check
which indicates that there are variables in your code that are
assigned values but are never used beyond that assignment.
The readability-static-accessed-through-instance check verifies
when a static member of a class is accessed through an instance
of that class rather than through the class itself.

But here this check is capturing an error on "serviceName"
even when the member is a constant and not a static member.
So just ignoring this check in the function.

Change-Id: I18b60a0800870ac8394f5a0754fbbac0cfd18c36
Signed-off-by: Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

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c5f6e7e124-Jun-2024 Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

clang-tidy: Enable readability-convert-member-functions-to-static

This check finds non-static member functions that can be made
static because the functions don’t use this.
This check also triggers

clang-tidy: Enable readability-convert-member-functions-to-static

This check finds non-static member functions that can be made
static because the functions don’t use this.
This check also triggers readability-static-accessed-through
-instance check as we are trying to access a static member
function through an instance.

Change-Id: Ia0867db019db8e40e710bdd4025e030061f7a992
Signed-off-by: Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

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bddb0a4626-Jun-2024 Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

clang-tidy: Enable readability-redundant-string-cstr check

This check finds unnecessary calls to std::string::c_str().

Change-Id: I4bf2b9848ad6b6fa748f8e3bdd8d670cdeee90ff
Signed-off-by: Pavithra B

clang-tidy: Enable readability-redundant-string-cstr check

This check finds unnecessary calls to std::string::c_str().

Change-Id: I4bf2b9848ad6b6fa748f8e3bdd8d670cdeee90ff
Signed-off-by: Pavithra Barithaya <pavithrabarithaya07@gmail.com>

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