History log of /openbmc/openbmc-build-scripts/ (Results 951 – 974 of 974)
Revision Date Author Comments
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d30c590729-Feb-2016 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

fix: proxy file was not created correctly
fix: don't create a user and group if already exist

38c9d14115-Feb-2016 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

build-setup: Don't set -u

Bitbake has scripts that do not like it.

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

c352254c15-Feb-2016 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

build-setup: initialise PROXY variable

This is to avoid instance where no PROXY env exists and set -e catches
the unbound variable.

Signed-off-by: Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: J

build-setup: initialise PROXY variable

This is to avoid instance where no PROXY env exists and set -e catches
the unbound variable.

Signed-off-by: Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

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4b8b239411-Feb-2016 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

build-setup: Ensure we fail the build when a step fails

Currently the build step can fail inside docker but we don't propogate
that error up, so the Jenkins build will not be marked as failed.

We s

build-setup: Ensure we fail the build when a step fails

Currently the build step can fail inside docker but we don't propogate
that error up, so the Jenkins build will not be marked as failed.

We set the following options:

set -xeuo pipefail

- bash trace output (-x)
- failing when a step fails (-e)
- failing on undefined variables (-u)
- failing when a command in a pipe fails (-o pipefail) - the default
behaviour is to use the exit code of the final command in the pipe.


Thanks to Daniel Axtens <dja@axtens.net> for the extra suggestions.

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Axtens <dja@axtens.net>

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01d1b38613-Jan-2016 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

initramfs: set tty to hvc0

b23265dc10-Jan-2016 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

add initramfs-build.sh to build initramfs for open-power

f9ad3f9e10-Jan-2016 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

add generic kernel build script
uses docker ubuntu 15.10 to build ppc64le

1a0dda4807-Jan-2016 Chris Smart <csmart@users.noreply.github.com>

don't force an ubuntu update each time

c4c6d43811-Dec-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

openpower-build-setup: Add vim-common for xxd

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

8bf9f3db10-Dec-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

openpower-build-setup: Add missing deps

You must install 'wget' on your build machine
You must install 'cpio' on your build machine
You must install 'bc' on your build machine

openpower-build-setup: Add missing deps

You must install 'wget' on your build machine
You must install 'cpio' on your build machine
You must install 'bc' on your build machine
support/dependencies/dependencies.mk:28: recipe for target
'core-dependencies' failed

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

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21e6523c10-Dec-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

openpower-build-setup: Fix setting of alias

When we source the op-build-env script from within the build.sh script,
the alias that is set only available to the inner script without the
shopt -s expa

openpower-build-setup: Fix setting of alias

When we source the op-build-env script from within the build.sh script,
the alias that is set only available to the inner script without the
shopt -s expand_alias option.

Found on http://stackoverflow.com/a/3354931

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

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f00719d210-Dec-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

openpower-build-setup: Use correct target

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

2ed389fe10-Dec-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

Add openpower-build-setup script

Using for doing OpenPower op-build pnor builds.

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

c650c20f24-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

tweak: remove shared state cache configuration
tweak: set build threads to full nproc

b97b530a18-Nov-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

kernel-build-setup: Record crosscompiler version, for reals

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

50ab01d518-Nov-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

kernel-build-setup: Record crosscompiler version

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

72ed802b18-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

fix: fedora needs bc, ubuntu has different CROSS_COMPILE location

881d77fa17-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <csmart@users.noreply.github.com>

run make with ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE args

ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnu-

d59288df17-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <csmart@users.noreply.github.com>

Merge pull request #1 from shenki/master

Add script for building the aspeed kernelsm, thanks @shenki

0d3597f517-Nov-2015 Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

Add script for building the aspeed kernels

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au>

7268235811-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

actually, force an update

01d2b96f11-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

fix: don't do upgrade by default, sometimes mirrors are broken

0265171610-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

initial script

bbde1ec210-Nov-2015 Chris Smart <distroguy@gmail.com>

initial commit
