History log of /openbmc/intel-ipmi-oem/ (Results 151 – 175 of 454)
Revision Date Author Comments
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f486695a25-Feb-2021 Suryakanth Sekar <suryakanth.sekar@linux.intel.com>

Status-BIT4/BIT5 contain Password Hash status

In setPasswordHash command, status- BIT4/ BIT5 contain password
status.so we need to filter out the status bit for checking the
supported Algorithm. St

Status-BIT4/BIT5 contain Password Hash status

In setPasswordHash command, status- BIT4/ BIT5 contain password
status.so we need to filter out the status bit for checking the
supported Algorithm. Status BIT4 and BIT5 are used in
bios-settings-mgr service.

SetPassword Hash command is working fine.

Signed-off-by: Suryakanth Sekar <suryakanth.sekar@linux.intel.com>
Change-Id: I8f3005c5b9fc1928f1728d86939625d3583da2e6

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09701efa15-Jul-2020 Alex Qiu <xqiu@google.com>

sensorcommands: Cache sensor data at 60s interval when requested for SDR

Temporary tuning to mitigate performance issue due to inconsistent dbus
call performance in getSensorMap().

Moving the senso

sensorcommands: Cache sensor data at 60s interval when requested for SDR

Temporary tuning to mitigate performance issue due to inconsistent dbus
call performance in getSensorMap().

Moving the sensor update time to after finish building the map allow the
data to be cached for the the build time plus sensorMapUpdatePeriod.

A SDR scan is observed to take about half a minute, and SDR is scanned
for 17 times during host boot, which adds minutes to host
boot time. However, sensor reading is seldom invoked during boot, and
the host does not poll for SDR after the first one.
Based on these facts, deploy a trick that turn up cache time to 60
seconds to reduce dbus traffic when SDR is requested, while the sensor
reading update interval is not affected.
No time reduction to `ipmitool sdr` command, because it polls for
both SDR and sensor reading.

After issuing host reboot command in BMC, host boot time recorded is
reduced from 14:40 to 11:02.
The fan sensor is still observed to be updated every 2 seconds.

Signed-off-by: Alex Qiu <xqiu@google.com>
Change-Id: If45f5b850854ff5888909636507d1c47840d17b6
Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <wltu@google.com>

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b910987a15-Jan-2021 Kuiying Wang <kuiying.wang@intel.com>

Fix ipmid crash issue caused by null pointer in ipmiStorageGetSDR

When BIOS get fru information from BMC via IPMI command,
requested sdr may be not exist at some special case.
IPMD should handle suc

Fix ipmid crash issue caused by null pointer in ipmiStorageGetSDR

When BIOS get fru information from BMC via IPMI command,
requested sdr may be not exist at some special case.
IPMD should handle such case and avoid null pointer is used.
Impact issues are like below:
1. Product name cannot be shown correctly in BIOS setup page.
2. frusdr.efi tool cannot get fru information in efi shell.
3. ipmid service is crashed when AC cycle or run frusdr.efi tool.

ipmid service is working well when AC cycle and run frusdr.efi tool.
Product name could be shown correctly in BIOS setup page.
frusdr.efi tool could get correct fru information in efi shell.

Change-Id: Ie02156d80398a365311f3ba0b45ac2a086c84c66
Signed-off-by: Kuiying Wang <kuiying.wang@intel.com>

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6d6dc7ad01-Apr-2020 Kuiying Wang <kuiying.wang@intel.com>

IPMI OEM Commands for OOB bios config

Four IPMI OEM commands are defined and implemented for the
communication beteween BIOS and BMC.
cmdSetBIOSCap = 0xD3;
cmdGetBIOSCap = 0xD4;
cmdSetPayload = 0xD5

IPMI OEM Commands for OOB bios config

Four IPMI OEM commands are defined and implemented for the
communication beteween BIOS and BMC.
cmdSetBIOSCap = 0xD3;
cmdGetBIOSCap = 0xD4;
cmdSetPayload = 0xD5;
cmdGetPayload = 0xD6;
cmdSetPasswordHashInfo = 0xD7;
cmdGetStoredPasswordHash = 0xD8;

Added the OTA Payload Type

1. ipmitool is working well for these 6 commands
2. passed unit test w/ bios and bios.xml is generated successfully

Change-Id: Ic318c18ca6d59c3ad6e10df9ffb2b22a38a55ddf
Signed-off-by: Kuiying Wang <kuiying.wang@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Suryakanth Sekar <suryakanth.sekar@linux.intel.com>

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544fd00622-Nov-2020 Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>

ipmi-whitelist:Allow set securitymode cmd from KCS

Issue: Issuing set security mode for Provisioned Host Disabled command
is restricted from KCS channel.

Fix: Allow set security mode command

ipmi-whitelist:Allow set securitymode cmd from KCS

Issue: Issuing set security mode for Provisioned Host Disabled command
is restricted from KCS channel.

Fix: Allow set security mode command execution from KCS interface by
adding channel mask in ipmi-whitelist.conf

Verified using ipmitool raw command from Linux OS
1. Set restriction mode as ProvisionedHostWhitelist
Command: busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.RestrictionMode.Manager
RestrictionMode s
Response: //Success
2. Check the restriction mode
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb3
Response: 04 00
3. Execute set security mode for Provisioned Host Disabled command from
Linux OS terminal
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb4 0x5
Response: //Success

Signed-off-by: Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>
Change-Id: Id1214d98d2d8db385af9f7dba493b3c1b02459ba

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fe9a700002-Dec-2020 Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>

Add sufficient delay to create smbios2 file

Issue: Sometimes with existing defaultTimeout & sysClock delay, BIOS is
not responding with required information to create smbios2 file which
contains DIM

Add sufficient delay to create smbios2 file

Issue: Sometimes with existing defaultTimeout & sysClock delay, BIOS is
not responding with required information to create smbios2 file which
contains DIMM info.

Fixed: Increase defaultTimeout & sysClock time to provide required delay
to get response from SMBIOS in order to populate DIMM information.

1. Verified for 100 DC cycles.
2. smbios2 file is generated for each cycle with proper DIMM information

Signed-off-by: Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ie33a95ecb91639f8d2af2836f97b32890e6f6fab

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3fbe8d2a29-Oct-2020 Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>

ipmiUserSetUserName argument change

ipmiUserSetUserName API signature is changed to use string variable.

Verified using cmdtool utility command
Command: cmdtool.efi 20 c0 5a 64 65 62 75 67

ipmiUserSetUserName argument change

ipmiUserSetUserName API signature is changed to use string variable.

Verified using cmdtool utility command
Command: cmdtool.efi 20 c0 5a 64 65 62 75 67 75 73 65 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 70 65 6e 42 6d 63 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Response: User is created successfully
Command: ipmitool user list 1 //User list for channel 1
ID Name Callin Link Auth IPMI Msg Channel Priv Limit
1 root false true true ADMINISTRATOR
2 debuguser true false false NO ACCESS
3 user3 true false false NO ACCESS
4 user4 true false false NO ACCESS

Signed-off-by: Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>
Change-Id: I3462b7ea4928f3d6bb370c4c97fbe9cb543a3375

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aedf5a9e03-Sep-2020 Rui Zhang <ruizhan@google.com>

Enable code coverage for intel-ipmi-oem.

A code coverage report was generated successfully.

Directory Sort by name Line Coverage Sort by line coverage Functions Sort by function coverage

Enable code coverage for intel-ipmi-oem.

A code coverage report was generated successfully.

Directory Sort by name Line Coverage Sort by line coverage Functions Sort by function coverage
20.6% 20.6%
20.6 % 83 / 403 9.6 % 5 / 52
0.0 % 0 / 6332 0.0 % 0 / 329
98.0% 98.0%
98.0 % 243 / 248 100.0 % 8 / 8

Change-Id: I56ce4697fd129ce75b0efceb80c4552c4fa924a5
Signed-off-by: Rui Zhang <ruizhan@google.com>

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d77489f104-Sep-2020 Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>

oemcommands: Fix for set security mode to mfg mode

Issue: Set security mode fails to enter manufacturing mode even though
command got executed successfully.
Fix: As manufacturing mode is rese

oemcommands: Fix for set security mode to mfg mode

Issue: Set security mode fails to enter manufacturing mode even though
command got executed successfully.
Fix: As manufacturing mode is reserved, can't enable using set security
mode command. So returning 0xCC as completion code.

Verified using ipmitool raw commands.
Before fix:
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb4 0x03 0x01 //set security mode to mfg
Response: //Success

After fix:
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb4 0x03 0x01 //set security mode to mfg
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x30 lun=0x0
cmd=0xb4 rsp=0xcc): Invalid data field in request

Signed-off-by: Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ib166bb7d4a5248a7f6f5b04615a9d80e8a78b3fe

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a8dd197a19-Aug-2020 Punith Nadur Basavarajaiah <punitx.basavarajaiah@intel.com>

firmware-update:Add Support to get fwSecurityVer

Add support to read BKC and SVN version for BMC Active and Recovery

Command : ipmitool raw 0x08 0x21 //get firmware security version

firmware-update:Add Support to get fwSecurityVer

Add support to read BKC and SVN version for BMC Active and Recovery

Command : ipmitool raw 0x08 0x21 //get firmware security version
Response: 02 01 01 01 02 01 01

Signed-off-by: Punith Nadur Basavarajaiah <punitx.basavarajaiah@intel.com>
Change-Id: I25a801fe00fef3c4c65b57aacb59089be1705d58

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52a292b827-Jul-2020 srikanta mondal <srikantax.mondal@intel.com>

GetFwVersionInfo: Fix for Firmware aux version

Issue: Get Version Information return incorrect Firmware AUX version

FIX: Firmware aux version was parsing incorrectly. Do the parsing by

GetFwVersionInfo: Fix for Firmware aux version

Issue: Get Version Information return incorrect Firmware AUX version

FIX: Firmware aux version was parsing incorrectly. Do the parsing by
correct regex pattern of BMC version.

Verified using ipmitool raw commands
Before fix:
Command: ipmitool raw 0x08 0x20 // Get version Information
Response: 01 02 00 70 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

After fix:
Command: ipmitool raw 0x08 0x20 // Get version Information
Response: 02 01 00 74 0a 8a 37 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
02 00 70 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Signed-off-by: srikanta mondal <srikantax.mondal@intel.com>
Change-Id: I7c2baf8a0da15e3ca4db5d6f9d6de7bf739aa755

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e45333a822-Jul-2020 Kuiying Wang <kuiying.wang@intel.com>

Fix cold redundancy is not runing as user configuration.

Cold redundancy service is not runing as user configuration.
1. Properties are not sync between settings server and daemon.
2. Wrong property

Fix cold redundancy is not runing as user configuration.

Cold redundancy service is not runing as user configuration.
1. Properties are not sync between settings server and daemon.
2. Wrong property is used to config cold redundancy enabling.

Cold redundancy is working as user config.

Change-Id: Ia0b7aa6aff65be4d86daa82616eefaea575baf5e
Signed-off-by: Kuiying Wang <kuiying.wang@intel.com>

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1e2ab06103-Aug-2020 Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>

storagecommands: Fix for GetFruAreaInfo command

Issue: GetFruAreaInfo command is giving incorrect response for Invalid
FRU Device ID's.

Fix: Add check for invalid FRU Device ID's to return completi

storagecommands: Fix for GetFruAreaInfo command

Issue: GetFruAreaInfo command is giving incorrect response for Invalid
FRU Device ID's.

Fix: Add check for invalid FRU Device ID's to return completion code as

Verified using ipmitool raw commands.
Case 1: Valid FRU Device ID:
Command: ipmitool raw 0x0a 0x10 0xce //Get fru Area info
Response: a9 00 00
Case 2: Invalid FRU Device ID:
Command: ipmitool raw 0x0a 0x10 0x01 //Get fru Area info
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0xa lun=0x0
cmd=0x10 rsp=0xcb): Requested sensor, data, or record not

Signed-off-by: Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>
Change-Id: I8e3416beff40c133804af9e913d83c2372784439

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308c3a8b22-Jul-2020 Johnathan Mantey <johnathanx.mantey@intel.com>

Allow more than 256 IPMI sensors in a system

Systems with more than 255 IPMI sensors report strange values for
sensors assigned beyond the 255 limit for a single LUN. This is due to
the sensor numbe

Allow more than 256 IPMI sensors in a system

Systems with more than 255 IPMI sensors report strange values for
sensors assigned beyond the 255 limit for a single LUN. This is due to
the sensor number assignment rolling over to 0, and then applying the
most recent SDR values to the sensor calculation.

This change assigns up to 255 sensors to a single LUN (0xFF is
reserved). When the 256th sensor is assigned the sensor gets placed in
the LUN. LUNs 0, 1, and 3 are used, as LUN 2 is special.

Another guard has been created that throws an exception when more than
765 sensors have been assigned. This makes it obvious to the system
designer the limit for IPMI sensors has been reached.

Forced the maxmimum number of sensors in the system to be 63 per LUN.

"ipmitool sdr elist" returned correct values for every sensor even
when the sensor number displayed in the printout matched the value of
a sensor printed earlier.

"ipmitool sensor get P3V3" returns a valid reading. In my test "P3V3"
was in LUN1.

"ipmitool raw 4 0x20 0" reported 63 sensors for LUN0, and that LUN0
and LUN1 had sensors.

"ipmitool raw -l 1 4 0x20 0" reported the remaining sensor count.

"ipmitool raw 0xa 0x2d 0" returns the correct value for LUN0 Sensor 0

"ipmitool raw -l 1 0xa 0x2d 0" returns the correct value for LUN1
Sensor 0

Change-Id: Ic1708b66339e57b1b765f5a9a684e829a0ec8fba
Signed-off-by: Johnathan Mantey <johnathanx.mantey@intel.com>

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cca2140b16-Jul-2020 Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>

bridgingcommands:Fix for System interface commands

Issue: Set BMC Global Enables, Clear Message Flags, Get Message Flags,
Get Message, Read Event Message Buffer commands are allowed to execute
in al

bridgingcommands:Fix for System interface commands

Issue: Set BMC Global Enables, Clear Message Flags, Get Message Flags,
Get Message, Read Event Message Buffer commands are allowed to execute
in all the channels instead to allow only with System interface.

Fix: Added condition check in each API to allow only with system

Verified using cmdtool utility and clear linux OS.
Before Fix:
Set BMC Global Enables, Clear Message Flags, Get Message Flags,
Get Message and Read Event Message Buffer commands are working in other
than system interface channels.
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x2e 0x09 //Set BMC Global Enables
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd5): Command not supported in present state
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x30 0x00 //Clear Message Flags
Response: //Success
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x31 //Get Message Flags
Response: 00
Command: ipmitool raw 0x6 0x34 0x06 0x2c 0xd3 0x01 0xfc 0xfc 0x04 0x00
0x2c 0xfc 0x08 0xc1 0x13 //Send message
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x33 //Get Message
Response: fc fc d4 30 2c fc 04 c1 13
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x35 //ReadEventMessageBuffer
Response: 55 55 c0 41 a7 00 00 00 00 00 3a ff 00 ff ff ff

Verified from Clear Linux (System interface):
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x2e 0x09 //Set BMC Global Enables
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd5): Command not supported in present state

After Fix:
1. Verified executing from BMC.
2. Enable ProvisionedHostWhitelist mode (KCS trust policy) and verified.

Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x2e 0x09 //Set BMC Global Enables
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd5): Command not supported in present state
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x30 0x00 //Clear Message Flags
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd5): Command not supported in present state
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x31 //Get Message Flags
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd5): Command not supported in present state
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x33 //Get Message
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd5): Command not supported in present state
Command: ipmitool raw 0x06 0x35 //ReadEventMessageBuffer
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd5): Command not supported in present state

Verified from system interface using cmdtool utility and Clear linux.
Command: cmdtool.efi 20 18 2e 9 //Set BMC Global Enables
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd4): Insufficient privilege level
Command: cmdtool.efi 20 18 30 00 //Clear Message Flags
Response: 00 //Success
Command: cmdtool.efi 20 18 31 //Get Message Flags
Response: 00 02
Command: cmdtool.efi 20 18 33 //Get Message
Response: 00 FC FC D4 30 2C FC 04 C1 13
Command: cmdtool.efi 20 18 35 //ReadEventMessageBuffer
Response: 00 55 55 C0 41 A7 00 00 00 00 00 3A FF 00 FF FF FF

Verified using Clear Linux (System Interface)
Command: ipmitool raw 6 0x2e //Set BMC Global Enables
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2e rsp=0xd4): Insufficient privilege level
Command: ipmitool raw 6 0x30 0x00 //Clear Message Flags
Response: //Success
Command: ipmitool raw 6 0x31 //Get Message Flags
Response: 02

Note: OpenIPMI driver provided by the Linux kernel will reject the
Get Message, Send Message and Read Event Message Buffer commands
because it handles the message sequencing internally.

Signed-off-by: Jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>
Change-Id: Id2246a9f7427f9c4af12201fc9d19cccb41fc6ae

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04a38ed128-May-2020 jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>

smbiosmdrv2handler:Fix for MDRV2 get data info

Issue: Mdrv2 get data set info response giving as 0xce which is

Fix: Update MDRiiGetDataInfoResponse structure definition as per IPMI

smbiosmdrv2handler:Fix for MDRV2 get data info

Issue: Mdrv2 get data set info response giving as 0xce which is

Fix: Update MDRiiGetDataInfoResponse structure definition as per IPMI
OEM commands documentation and provided fix to get correct response
as provided in test results.

Verified using ipmitool raw commands.
Command: ipmitool raw 0x3e 0x39 0x01 0x01 //SMMDR Data Set Info Offer
Response: 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 42
//SMMDR Get Data Set Info command
Command: ipmitool raw 0x3e 0x32 0x01 0x01 0x28 0x29 0x2a 0x2b 0x2c 0x2d
0x2e 0x2f 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x42
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x3e lun=0x0
cmd=0x32 rsp=0xce): Command response could not be provided

Command: ipmitool raw 0x3e 0x39 0x01 0x01 //SMMDR Data Set Info Offer
Response: 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 42
//SMMDR Get Data Set Info command
Command: ipmitool raw 0x3e 0x32 0x01 0x01 0x28 0x29 0x2a 0x2b 0x2c 0x2d
0x2e 0x2f 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x42
Response: 02 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
42 01 00 00 11 45 0f 00 00 7a 1b

Signed-off-by: jayaprakash Mutyala <mutyalax.jayaprakash@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ia23f1cf19608281dc98e971f9c5e84c7dde4ba61

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9a13daae13-Jul-2020 AppaRao Puli <apparao.puli@linux.intel.com>

minor fix: clear CMOS command CC correction

The clearCMOS command is supported only in manufacturing
mode. Outside of MTM mode, It should return Invalid
command(0xC1) but its returning 0xD4. Correct

minor fix: clear CMOS command CC correction

The clearCMOS command is supported only in manufacturing
mode. Outside of MTM mode, It should return Invalid
command(0xC1) but its returning 0xD4. Corrected the
CC to 0xC1.

- Outside MTM mode cleaCMOS returns 0xC1.

Change-Id: Icd747f8e904dbafc4a35fef0fb55a65ee4721a9b
Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <apparao.puli@linux.intel.com>

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65b66ad809-Jul-2020 Snehalatha V <snehalathaX.v@intel.com>

whitelist-filter: Fix for non-whitelist commands

Issue: Non-whitelist commands are resulting improper Completion Code
as CommandNotAvailable.

Fix: Change the completion code to Insufficient

whitelist-filter: Fix for non-whitelist commands

Issue: Non-whitelist commands are resulting improper Completion Code
as CommandNotAvailable.

Fix: Change the completion code to Insufficient privilege level as

Verified using ipmitool raw command from Linux OS
1. Set restriction mode as ProvisionedHostWhitelist
Command: busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.RestrictionMode.Manager
RestrictionMode s "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Security.
Response: //Success
2. Check the restriction mode
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb3
Response: 04 00
3. Execute cold reset command from Linux OS terminal
Command : ipmitool raw 0x06 0x02
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0
cmd=0x2 rsp=0xd4): Insufficient privilege level

Signed-off-by: Snehalatha V <snehalathaX.v@intel.com>
Change-Id: I75180ed4a72e180ef968868a8011f70513558abd

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4634783c26-Jun-2020 Adrian Ambrożewicz <adrian.ambrozewicz@linux.intel.com>

README and Platform Events whitepaper

This commit introduces general README to the repository.
It gives basic information about intel-ipmi-oem role and surroundings,
with references to proper docume

README and Platform Events whitepaper

This commit introduces general README to the repository.
It gives basic information about intel-ipmi-oem role and surroundings,
with references to proper documents and repositories.

It also introduces detailed document intended for end-users about
Platform Event parsing.
Intel platforms are source of high-impact health events and this
usually introduces confusion and false-positives among OEM BMC
implementations. Document specifies abstract algorithm for parsing these
events and references existing implementation in repository as solution.
It's intended to be used by external OEMs as guide for porting the
feature to other BMC implementations.

Change-Id: Ibe6c1e148feba425a7a026d1b7a1dadb028cf09b
Signed-off-by: Adrian Ambrożewicz <adrian.ambrozewicz@linux.intel.com>

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2030d7c803-May-2020 srikanta mondal <srikantax.mondal@intel.com>

oemcommands: Implement OEM Get Reading command

Newly implement OEM Get Reading command API. It implements for
"Inlet Air Temperature" Reading type.

Verified on single node system using Oem

oemcommands: Implement OEM Get Reading command

Newly implement OEM Get Reading command API. It implements for
"Inlet Air Temperature" Reading type.

Verified on single node system using Oem get reading commands.
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xe2 0x00 0x00 0x00 //OEM Get reading
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x30 lun=0x0
cmd=0xe2 rsp=0xc9): Parameter out of range
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xe2 0x10 0x0 0x0 //OEM Get reading
Response: 10 1a 00
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xe2 0x20 0x0 0x0 //OEM Get reading
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x30 lun=0x0
cmd=0xe2 rsp=0xc9): Parameter out of range
Command: ipmitool raw 0x30 0xe2 0x30 0x0 0x0
Response: Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x30 lun=0x0
cmd=0xe2 rsp=0xcc): Invalid data field in request

Signed-off-by: srikanta mondal <srikantax.mondal@intel.com>
Change-Id: I6450fe95b4ef52eed4784561180d1da667d30360

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e4f710d720-May-2020 James Feist <james.feist@linux.intel.com>

FRU: Invalidate cache when frus change

This creates a match for FruDevice changes and
update the cache when one changes.

ipmitool fru list immediately after rescan
had correct values. fru l

FRU: Invalidate cache when frus change

This creates a match for FruDevice changes and
update the cache when one changes.

ipmitool fru list immediately after rescan
had correct values. fru list was faster

Change-Id: I2f332814bd1a0ef38a87dc31b8cd3c16fa6b8d76
Signed-off-by: James Feist <james.feist@linux.intel.com>

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c2a07d4b30-May-2020 Patrick Venture <venture@google.com>

types: move common types into types header

Signed-off-by: Patrick Venture <venture@google.com>
Change-Id: I8e6f6fbae784a8ceebcc83ac53c1beb5c7b46779

eda66ecc29-May-2020 Agata Olender <agata.olender@intel.com>

Add Intel OEM Node Manager commands to the whitelist configuration.

Signed-off-by: Agata Olender <agata.olender@intel.com>
Change-Id: I2aa98d5fc74bc6a75268cda8897770339b7e05ec

1ee6ed8217-Jun-2020 James Feist <james.feist@linux.intel.com>

Add support to mark sensors unavailable

This marks sensors unavailable when they respond
with nan, or when the available interface says
they are not available.


ipmitool sensor list showed

Add support to mark sensors unavailable

This marks sensors unavailable when they respond
with nan, or when the available interface says
they are not available.


ipmitool sensor list showed sensors as unavailable
SSB Temp | na | degrees C | na | na | 0.000
| 5.000 | 98.000 | 103.000 | na

Change-Id: I6a4f8ee14864e9d9330a58d83f71dde90cc23dbe
Signed-off-by: James Feist <james.feist@linux.intel.com>

show more ...

2dac10e430-May-2020 Patrick Venture <venture@google.com>

gitignore: add ipmi-whitelist.hpp

Signed-off-by: Patrick Venture <venture@google.com>
Change-Id: Iae479fc8503daf3ba13c5b8a76f72d27ae860d1f
