History log of /openbmc/docs/designs/ (Results 51 – 75 of 205)
Revision Date Author Comments
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a3d6870404-Jul-2022 Przemyslaw Czarnowski <przemyslaw.hawrylewicz.czarnowski@intel.com>

Make description of mount and unmount asynchronous

Adding completion signal suggests asynchronicity of mount/unmount
mechanism but this could be misinterpretted. This commit specifies that

Make description of mount and unmount asynchronous

Adding completion signal suggests asynchronicity of mount/unmount
mechanism but this could be misinterpretted. This commit specifies that
Mount/Unmount dbus calls are asynchronous and Completion signal conveys
the result of the operation.

Change-Id: I02fa8dec53059507fcbf1f9ef4043c2cd319d671
Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Czarnowski <przemyslaw.hawrylewicz.czarnowski@intel.com>

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cdf04a3e01-Jun-2022 NodeMan97 <corey.hardesty@icloud.com>

Proposal for chassis 'obmc-chassis-blackout@.target'

Some OpenBMC systems have services they need run after a system blackout
occurs. This design change proposes a new target to coordinate these

Proposal for chassis 'obmc-chassis-blackout@.target'

Some OpenBMC systems have services they need run after a system blackout
occurs. This design change proposes a new target to coordinate these

Signed-off-by: Corey Hardesty <corey.hardesty@icloud.com>
Change-Id: I7798b758a539bfae408ddf1d8422b144fcaf7a34

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bc82050609-Jun-2022 Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

Update link to the Value.interface.yaml

Signed-off-by: Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I0c3b4e627420e34909731f8cc40ed26d24dc606c

0ee8da0923-May-2022 NodeMan97 <corey.hardesty@icloud.com>

Changed occurrences of gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz

After updates Gerrit is now hosted at https://gerrit.openbmc.org.
Urls in the documentation are now updated to reflect this change.


Changed occurrences of gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz

After updates Gerrit is now hosted at https://gerrit.openbmc.org.
Urls in the documentation are now updated to reflect this change.

Signed-off-by: Corey Hardesty <corey.hardesty@icloud.com>
Change-Id: I5adaef01abb727662575de7698483d0ec2205d28

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6ac6f3df28-Apr-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

designs: remove 'Primary Assignee'

In almost all cases this was the same individual as the author or not
filled in. Nobody seems to know what this means in the context of
OpenBMC, so we dropped it

designs: remove 'Primary Assignee'

In almost all cases this was the same individual as the author or not
filled in. Nobody seems to know what this means in the context of
OpenBMC, so we dropped it from the design template. Clean up all the
existing designs to remove them.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I01309f0b63d1e0c53fb596521595c5f39f365301

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9366816228-Apr-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

design-template: remove Primary Assignee

Nowhere do we document what a "Primary Assignee" is and I don't know
what it means. Drop it from the template.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stw

design-template: remove Primary Assignee

Nowhere do we document what a "Primary Assignee" is and I don't know
what it means. Drop it from the template.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: Ib107f90592965cf07982b5c576804938952fb256

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902bc92028-Apr-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

design-template: fix 'nick' spelling

'Nick' was spelled as 'Nic'. Fix it and expand to 'Nickname' for

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I354c523e0bf2a2dcf9bb6

design-template: fix 'nick' spelling

'Nick' was spelled as 'Nic'. Fix it and expand to 'Nickname' for

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I354c523e0bf2a2dcf9bb6d57cc246bec438ccb64

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5959a18a08-Sep-2021 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

bmc-service-failure: handling a service in the fail state

This commit adds additional details and requirements on how to handle an
OpenBMC systemd service that enters the fail state.

The service sh

bmc-service-failure: handling a service in the fail state

This commit adds additional details and requirements on how to handle an
OpenBMC systemd service that enters the fail state.

The service should not just silently fail, it needs to be reported to
the system owner and appropriate debug data needs to be generated so
root cause can be identified.

Change-Id: I0527213bcf2c5886554d02c238cb963cc00f0f87
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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ded5adff21-Feb-2022 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

enhance target-fail-monitoring for services

BMC systems are becoming more and more critical in todays data centers.
If a critical service within the BMC fails, it's paramount that
appropriate debug

enhance target-fail-monitoring for services

BMC systems are becoming more and more critical in todays data centers.
If a critical service within the BMC fails, it's paramount that
appropriate debug data be collected and the user of the system be
notified that the BMC is in an undefined state.

This new feature will allow a user to pass in a json file with systemd
service names that they wish this function to monitor. If a monitored
services goes into an error state (exhausted all retries and service has
been stopped) then the monitor service will create an error and collect
appropriate debug data.

Change-Id: I9ddc05387f23c80e490d72561397ab2850a05a3e
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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46f84ae412-Oct-2021 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

Add USB code update design doc

This doc introduces the proposed design for firmware update via USB.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: I04ad3d5f50d619cf6c60d0876c4b0138c0b52

Add USB code update design doc

This doc introduces the proposed design for firmware update via USB.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: I04ad3d5f50d619cf6c60d0876c4b0138c0b5298c

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785a64ff21-Mar-2022 Jeremy Kerr <jk@codeconstruct.com.au>

designs/mctp: the kernel approach is now available, and recommended

We want to encourage use of the kernel approach, now that support is

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Kerr <jk@codeconstruct.com.a

designs/mctp: the kernel approach is now available, and recommended

We want to encourage use of the kernel approach, now that support is

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Kerr <jk@codeconstruct.com.au>
Change-Id: Iccf4cbf250d8b1c14a40d08aa791a2aa12f8e44e

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2611911312-Apr-2022 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

fail-boot: allow host to gracefully shutdown

Utilization of this feature in IBM manufacturing brought to light a
deficiency in this design. When the host firmware is booting and logs an
error that t

fail-boot: allow host to gracefully shutdown

Utilization of this feature in IBM manufacturing brought to light a
deficiency in this design. When the host firmware is booting and logs an
error that triggers this function, it would be ideal to allow that host
firmware the opportunity to gracefully shut themself down prior to
stopping them and moving the host state to quiesced.

This allows the host firmware to find and log any other relevant errors
(think something like verifying all dimms in the system). It's much
better to find all of these in one boot vs. needing to boot each time to
find each bad dimm.

This also allows host firmware a chance to properly write out any cached
data and handle any other relevant shutdown operations.

Change-Id: I99dd4a6afa2bf943eff87ef8f2fe670ebd264052
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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1f45b30019-Apr-2022 Brandon Wyman <bjwyman@gmail.com>

device-tree-gpio-naming: Add power-ffs-sync-history

The power-ffs-sync-history GPIO is used to set Fans Full Speed, or to
synchronize the power supply input history.

Change-Id: Ib1ac2456f7f715360d0

device-tree-gpio-naming: Add power-ffs-sync-history

The power-ffs-sync-history GPIO is used to set Fans Full Speed, or to
synchronize the power supply input history.

Change-Id: Ib1ac2456f7f715360d089dfa4b6b379b516439ab
Signed-off-by: Brandon Wyman <bjwyman@gmail.com>

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ee84840214-Apr-2022 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Add organizational section to the template

It was commented several times that we could significantly decrease our
time to repo creation if we called out in the design doc, whether or not
this featu

Add organizational section to the template

It was commented several times that we could significantly decrease our
time to repo creation if we called out in the design doc, whether or not
this feature requires a new repository, and who will maintain that
repository. This commit adds those questions to the design template to
that effect.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: I6972494d12d91b897780eb0469d7a7188472eca4

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fd99194311-Apr-2022 George Keishing <gkeishin@in.ibm.com>

Fix typo and misspell in documentation

Change-Id: I5432c28ece0332ea99a665009547c13efe8e9dd1
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <gkeishin@in.ibm.com>

6b1efa8723-Mar-2022 Josh Lehan <krellan@google.com>

Adding README for designs directory

At first, it was not obvious that there was an intended design template
for others to follow, so now, this README will make it more obvious.

Signed-off-by: Josh

Adding README for designs directory

At first, it was not obvious that there was an intended design template
for others to follow, so now, this README will make it more obvious.

Signed-off-by: Josh Lehan <krellan@google.com>
Change-Id: Ibe9e7251147b4c0d6362461a15b1087f1a5e42b9

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9d2f470325-Feb-2022 Nan Zhou <nanzhoumails@gmail.com>

design: add Certificate Revocation List (CRL) support

This design introduces CRLs into OpenBMC. It proposes DBus interfaces
for CRLs installation, replacement, and deletion.

Change-Id: Iabea908dbba

design: add Certificate Revocation List (CRL) support

This design introduces CRLs into OpenBMC. It proposes DBus interfaces
for CRLs installation, replacement, and deletion.

Change-Id: Iabea908dbbad6bd3fabd66cb8ced03b9d6b46ff2
Signed-off-by: Nan Zhou <nanzhoumails@gmail.com>

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f550874324-Feb-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

gpio-naming: clarify button definition

Fixes openbmc/docs#72.

There was some question if buttons are strictly input or could also be
used in cases where the BMC emulates a physical button. Clarify

gpio-naming: clarify button definition

Fixes openbmc/docs#72.

There was some question if buttons are strictly input or could also be
used in cases where the BMC emulates a physical button. Clarify the
button section here to indicate that *-button gpios are strictly input.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I4f23dcb351e83af657f4af6bbf641c1e9033a007

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5d8e3d8c03-Dec-2021 Nan Zhou <nanzhoumails@gmail.com>

Add design for authorities list management

To support authorities list, we propose to add two interfaces to the
Authority Manager (the authority type of certificate manager):
1. InstallAll
2. Replac

Add design for authorities list management

To support authorities list, we propose to add two interfaces to the
Authority Manager (the authority type of certificate manager):
1. InstallAll
2. ReplaceAll

Signed-off-by: Nan Zhou <nanzhoumails@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I9a26765c4162d515c8bc6ae1e8544e36cbbf0f14

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931d462420-Oct-2021 Eddie James <eajames@linux.ibm.com>

device-tree-gpio-naming: RTC battery voltage read enable pin

Add pin used to enable RTC battery voltage reading

Signed-off-by: Eddie James <eajames@linux.ibm.com>

device-tree-gpio-naming: RTC battery voltage read enable pin

Add pin used to enable RTC battery voltage reading

Signed-off-by: Eddie James <eajames@linux.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I91e05cb4c947c1dc4a736653ef8c6a0543bbc166

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5aa57db603-Aug-2021 Naveen Moses <naveen.mosess@hcl.com>

Multihost phosphor button interfaces

This design is about the extension of current
phosphor-buttons interface to support additional hardware
input type based button interfaces such as switches and m

Multihost phosphor button interfaces

This design is about the extension of current
phosphor-buttons interface to support additional hardware
input type based button interfaces such as switches and muxes
apart from available push type hardware buttons.

Signed-off-by: Naveen Moses <naveen.mosess@hcl.com>
Change-Id: I2c781210035f222bba05bbca5b4253bb973c26e0

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9de2f4ee22-Sep-2021 Przemyslaw Czarnowski <przemyslaw.hawrylewicz.czarnowski@intel.com>

virtual-media: add support for asynchronicity

Sometimes mounting and unmounting can be time consuming. Low performing
platforms mount remote resources in time exceeding 25 seconds of DBus
timeout. I

virtual-media: add support for asynchronicity

Sometimes mounting and unmounting can be time consuming. Low performing
platforms mount remote resources in time exceeding 25 seconds of DBus
timeout. In order to address that, support for asynchronous DBus and
Redfish calls has to be defined by design.

This is not an issue on faster platforms so it was not considered

Also Redfish schemas example has been extended with actions.

Change-Id: I651ac17ae5091e12aa78cecedf6a9f4a2c7421d8
Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Czarnowski <przemyslaw.hawrylewicz.czarnowski@intel.com>

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8ec6cb4125-Oct-2021 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

power-recovery: uninterruptible power supplies

Add a section on handling a UPS and the requirements around it

Change-Id: I5ff93de04bb8b5b321686adaac318f9c03e7f8b5
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <ge

power-recovery: uninterruptible power supplies

Add a section on handling a UPS and the requirements around it

Change-Id: I5ff93de04bb8b5b321686adaac318f9c03e7f8b5
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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b2ac767d07-Oct-2021 Thang Tran <thuutran@amperecomputing.com>

device-tree-gpio-naming: Add host ready pins

Add pins to detect the status of HOSTs is ready or not.
Current OpenBmc support to detect Host ready via IPMI and PLDM.
However, not all of platforms sup

device-tree-gpio-naming: Add host ready pins

Add pins to detect the status of HOSTs is ready or not.
Current OpenBmc support to detect Host ready via IPMI and PLDM.
However, not all of platforms support IPMI and PLDM. Some
platforms, like Ampere Mt.Jade checks input GPIO to detect host
firmware boot status.
The name of HOST ready pin has to include the index of host and
the polarity (Active high or low).

Signed-off-by: Thang Tran <thuutran@amperecomputing.com>
Change-Id: I9ce674d7637d573ef1169740a3971acea6413e12

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b5cddbb203-Sep-2021 Claire Weinan <cweinan@google.com>

designs: Add Hardware Fault Monitor design doc

Signed-off-by: Claire Weinan <cweinan@google.com>
Change-Id: I17a15436e316e0d38ef1fad470972d256c03a7b3