History log of /openbmc/boost-dbus/ (Results 51 – 75 of 79)
Revision Date Author Comments
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cfc0655f04-Jun-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

connections are private by default now

discussion in issue #18

2003615d03-Jun-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Added explicit asynchronous start function

A `connection` can operate synchronously, which
involves less overhead. It will be in a synchronous-
only state when it has been newly constructed or cance

Added explicit asynchronous start function

A `connection` can operate synchronously, which
involves less overhead. It will be in a synchronous-
only state when it has been newly constructed or cancelled.

`dbus::impl::connection::start()` begins/resumes
asynchronous operation, and should be called automatically
whenever an asynchronous operation is requested.

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a3cc3d5703-Jun-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

simple impl::connection

28cbd28b02-Jun-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

moved match/filter implementation details to dbus::impl

8536259429-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bkietzman@esri.com>

Added Python scripts for tests to interact with

4317e4d928-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bkietzman@esri.com>

Added message factories

16d80fe928-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bkietzman@esri.com>

Added endpoint - closes #17

3b5db5bc28-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bkietzman@esri.com>

fix #3, minor other message enhancements

bf4382db28-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

remove test.cpp from CMakeLists.txt

127863d127-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Merge pull request #12 from Xenopathic/patch-1

Correct project name

f677d0eb27-May-2014 Robin McCorkell <rmccorkell@karoshi.org.uk>

Correct project name

a83e595127-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Using GTest - resolves #2

91cdbe4624-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

added license file and copyright comments - fixes #10

510d9aa624-May-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

using intrusive_ptr<DBusMessage> in dbus::message

a105112106-Apr-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

implemented connection::async_send

e6b71ae101-Apr-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bkietzman@esri.com>

Tweaks to message, filter and error

- `message` now has get_path() etc. for accessing its metadata.
- `error` how has a constructor which takes a `message`,
to ease conversion of error messages to

Tweaks to message, filter and error

- `message` now has get_path() etc. for accessing its metadata.
- `error` how has a constructor which takes a `message`,
to ease conversion of error messages to throwable exceptions
or `error_code`s
- `filter`'s predicate now takes `message`s by reference and
is not ignored

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05f5d48e01-Apr-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bkietz/boost-dbus


60cf6bcc01-Apr-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

working toward message correctness

8586098931-Mar-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bkietzman@esri.com>

Working class

17826fe728-Mar-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

filter, match brought to sanity

b3090ced22-Mar-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bkietz/boost-dbus


cd8b76a322-Mar-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

match/filter hackathon

24778ceb22-Mar-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

match/filter hackathon

0de5440421-Mar-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Working D-Bus method call

fc79e46108-Mar-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Mostly syntactically correct test.cpp