History log of /openbmc/bmcweb/ (Results 151 – 175 of 3120)
Revision Date Author Comments
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116370d808-Oct-2024 Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

Break out lambdas in http server

These lambdas originally came from crow[1] and are a lot harder to
maintain than normal methods. Move to normal methods.

Tested: Unit tests pass. Good coverage on

Break out lambdas in http server

These lambdas originally came from crow[1] and are a lot harder to
maintain than normal methods. Move to normal methods.

Tested: Unit tests pass. Good coverage on connection class.

[1] https://github.com/CrowCpp/Crow/blob/master/include/crow/http_connection.h#L485

Change-Id: I9b177a0c456e44a261ea335f68354ad857739662
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

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56ba386d10-Oct-2024 Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

Fix Persistent Subscription PATCH

The `RedfishEvent` subscription is expected to be persistent over bmc
reboot or bmcweb restart. However, the properties on PATCH are
currently not persistent after

Fix Persistent Subscription PATCH

The `RedfishEvent` subscription is expected to be persistent over bmc
reboot or bmcweb restart. However, the properties on PATCH are
currently not persistent after reboot or bmcweb restart.

This commit is to sync those properties to the persistent store after

In addition, this commit fixes a missing `id` copy when a new
UserSubscription is created in [1] (introduced by [2]). As a result, it
may cause the following messages during bmcweb start after subscription
POST or PATCH like
Oct 16 14:37:34 p10bmc systemd[1]: Started Start bmcwebd server.
Oct 16 14:37:34 p10bmc bmcwebd[15320]: [ERROR event_service_store.hpp:253] Subscription missing required field information, refusing to restore
Oct 16 14:37:34 p10bmc bmcwebd[15320]: [ERROR persistent_data.hpp:166] Problem reading subscription from persistent store
After this, those subscriptions become lost.


1. Subscription PATCH

- Create a subscription (e.g. use Redfish-Service-Validator).

- GET subscription and check the properties
curl -k -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/${SUBID}

- PATCH subscription with a different value.
curl -k -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/${SUBID} \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"DeliveryRetryPolicy":"RetryForever"}'

- Reboot BMC or restart bmcweb

- GET subscription and check the properties
curl -k -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/${SUBID}

Before the fix, the property values are the same as before PATCH.
After the fix, the last patched property values will be kept.

2. Redfish Service Validator passes

[1] https://github.com/openbmc/bmcweb/blob/21a94d5cd4be74a85c978c0cd63e4c633093c531/redfish-core/include/event_service_manager.hpp#L812
[2] https://gerrit.openbmc.org/c/openbmc/bmcweb/+/65720

Change-Id: If5d2f622cc945faa6999d1e3e70211e881e19a79
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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7585b76017-Oct-2024 Jishnu CM <jishnunambiarcm@duck.com>

Adds redfish error for GenerateSecretKeyRequired

This commit contains the redfish error to be returned when it finds
that MFA is enabled and the user has to generate secret key to proceed

Adds redfish error for GenerateSecretKeyRequired

This commit contains the redfish error to be returned when it finds
that MFA is enabled and the user has to generate secret key to proceed

Used and tested in https://gerrit.openbmc.org/c/openbmc/bmcweb/+/74938.

Change-Id: If13b96729510fc7b165aa792f1e1d23a811ca733
Signed-off-by: Jishnu CM <jishnunambiarcm@duck.com>

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340d74c812-Oct-2024 Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

Handling of OutOfRange in ReadJson

Currently readJsonPatch returns `PropertValueNotInList` in case when an
input integer is out of range. This change is to return
`PropertyValueOutOfRange` for the

Handling of OutOfRange in ReadJson

Currently readJsonPatch returns `PropertValueNotInList` in case when an
input integer is out of range. This change is to return
`PropertyValueOutOfRange` for the case out-of-range integer input.


- Verify PATCH with an out-of-value integer. e.g.
$ curl -k -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/EventService/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds" : 4294967296}'

Before the change, its `MessageId` is `PropertyValueNotInList`.
"Message": "The value '4294967296' for the property DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds is not in the list of acceptable values.",
"MessageId": "Base.1.19.0.PropertyValueNotInList",
"MessageSeverity": "Warning",
"Resolution": "Choose a value from the enumeration list that the implementation can support and resubmit the request if the operation failed."

After the change, its `MessageId` will be `PropertyValueOutOfRange`.

"Message": "The value '4294967296' for the property DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds is not in the supported range of acceptable values.",
"MessageId": "Base.1.19.0.PropertyValueOutOfRange",
"MessageSeverity": "Warning",
"Resolution": "Correct the value for the property in the request body and resubmit the request if the operation failed."

- Redfish Service Validator passes

Change-Id: I0d0c5ecbc9f416b68fa7c0e81a0ea896ec2e50af
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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788b091b14-Oct-2024 Igor Kanyuka <ifelmail@gmail.com>

Event: Change MemberId type to string

The type of the MemberId according to the schema
https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Event.v1_4_0.json is string
and not int. This prevents the request from be

Event: Change MemberId type to string

The type of the MemberId according to the schema
https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Event.v1_4_0.json is string
and not int. This prevents the request from being deserialized
by clients written in typed languages.

Change-Id: Ic1a00044fdb71e20cb96d4256e935f59bf79da8f
Signed-off-by: Igor Kanyuka <ifelmail@gmail.com>

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0183e47610-Oct-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

meson: nlohmann-json: update to 3.11.3

Update the version reference in meson.build to match
the subproject wrap file: 3.11.3.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I15f0d69

meson: nlohmann-json: update to 3.11.3

Update the version reference in meson.build to match
the subproject wrap file: 3.11.3.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I15f0d697eaae8cfd48c638909dbb35b129bce910

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5900d4c310-Oct-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-tidy: add misc-include-cleaner fixes

Fix the following clang-tidy errors:
../redfish-core/src/filter_expr_executor.cpp:102:21: error: no header providing "nlohmann::json" is directly inclu

clang-tidy: add misc-include-cleaner fixes

Fix the following clang-tidy errors:
../redfish-core/src/filter_expr_executor.cpp:102:21: error: no header providing "nlohmann::json" is directly included [misc-include-cleaner,-warnings-as-errors]
7 | const nlohmann::json& body;

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I2e0d66bb35c1010607b9795d00b3321dc20d6d65

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21a94d5c14-Oct-2024 Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

Fix coredump during subscription

Commit 4b712a29debc1a0860cc04850b262203cad402a5 [1] a bug on missing the
subscription copy from user persistent data when subscription object is
created, and it may

Fix coredump during subscription

Commit 4b712a29debc1a0860cc04850b262203cad402a5 [1] a bug on missing the
subscription copy from user persistent data when subscription object is
created, and it may cause a bmcweb crash.


- Create subscription (e.g. Redfish Event Listener)

- Create a dump
curl -k -X POST "https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/Dump/Actions/LogService.CollectDiagnosticData" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"DiagnosticDataType": "Manager"}'

curl: (56) OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 0

BMC journal will contain like
Oct 14 21:49:20 p10bmc bmcwebd[287]: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_weak_ptr'
Oct 14 21:49:20 p10bmc bmcwebd[287]: what(): bad_weak_ptr
Oct 14 21:49:21 p10bmc systemd[1]: bmcweb.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=6/ABRT
Oct 14 21:49:21 p10bmc systemd[1]: bmcweb.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'

[1] 4b712a29debc1a0860cc04850b262203cad402a5

Change-Id: I58479bb5e1f203fec60ad0971f0c750ab5695f14
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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afc474ae09-Oct-2024 Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

Format readjson

clang-format may potentially reformat the readJson calls if they may
have more keys or key names are longer. This makes formatting in a way
that's readable by forcing to break a line

Format readjson

clang-format may potentially reformat the readJson calls if they may
have more keys or key names are longer. This makes formatting in a way
that's readable by forcing to break a line for each key using an
empty-comment (`//`) each line.

It also allows trivially alphabetizing the list such that new additions
are less likely to have merge conflicts.

- Check whitespace only.
- Code compiles.
- Redfish Service Validator with the same results before this

Change-Id: I3824a8c4faa9fa7c820d5d2fab6b565404926e2c
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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6fe8751c20-Jul-2023 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

Implement TemperatureReadingsCelsius property for ThermalMetrics

The ThermalMetrics schema[1] provides for efficient thermal metric
gathering for thermal sensors. The schema allows retrieving just t

Implement TemperatureReadingsCelsius property for ThermalMetrics

The ThermalMetrics schema[1] provides for efficient thermal metric
gathering for thermal sensors. The schema allows retrieving just the
thermal metrics with one Redfish URI. This prevents the additional work
required when returning all the sensor data, or multiple Redfish URI
calls to retrieve the properties for all of the thermal sensors.

This commit implements the TemperatureReadingsCelsius property of
ThermalMetrics[1]. ThermalMetrics is a property of ThermalSubsystem[2].
TemperatureReadingsCelsius is a SensorArrayExcerpt[3].

[1] https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ThermalMetrics.v1_0_1.json
[2] https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ThermalSubsystem.v1_3_2.json
[3] http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.v1_9_0.json#/definitions/SensorArrayExcerpt

The temperature sensors are found by finding 'all_sensors' endpoints for
specific chassis of D-Bus service
/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature. An entry of SensorArrayExcerpt
is built for each temperature sensor retrieved.

Implementation Notes:
- Common function sensor_utils::objectPropertiesToJson() is used to
fill in sensor excerpt properties. Currently the only excerpt
ChassisSubNode is ThermalMetrics. However there are others excerpts
defined by Redfish. Right now mostly this is just skipping things,
but I'm expecting when other sensor excerpts are implemented that
some of the other properties may be added for excerpts as well. I'm
expecting the combination of the chassisSubNode and the sensorType
will be used to determine which properties are included for a
particular call to build a sensor Json representation.
- New sensor_utils::objectExcerptToJson() function created. This wraps
sensor_utils::objectPropertiesToJson() and builds DataSourceUri for a
sensor excerpt.
- New sensor_utils::getAllSensorObjects() function created. This builds
list of 'all_sensors' association endpoints for specified D-Bus path
with specified D-Bus interfaces. Callback function is called with
list for handling sensors.

1. Redfish Service Validator passed.
2. doGet method:
curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: ${token}" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/ThermalSubsystem/ThermalMetrics
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/ThermalSubsystem/ThermalMetrics",
"@odata.type": "#ThermalMetrics.v1_0_1.ThermalMetrics",
"Id": "ThermalMetrics",
"Name": "Thermal Metrics",
"TemperatureReadingsCelsius": [
"DataSourceUri": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps0_temp0",
"Reading": -131072000.0
"DataSourceUri": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps0_temp1",
"Reading": -131072000.0
"DataSourceUri": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps0_temp2",
"Reading": -131072000.0
"DataSourceUri": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps1_temp0",
"Reading": -131072000.0
"DataSourceUri": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps1_temp1",
"Reading": -131072000.0
"DataSourceUri": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps1_temp2",
"Reading": -131072000.0
"TemperatureReadingsCelsius@odata.count": 6

3. Verification of DataSourceUri:
curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: ${token}" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps1_temp0
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_ps1_temp0",
"@odata.type": "#Sensor.v1_2_0.Sensor",
"Id": "temperature_ps1_temp0",
"Name": "ps1 temp0",
"Reading": -131072000.0,
"ReadingType": "Temperature",
"ReadingUnits": "Cel",
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"

4. A bad chassis ID:
curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: ${token}" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassisBAD/ThermalSubsystem/ThermalMetrics
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message",
"Message": "The requested resource of type Chassis named 'chassisBAD' was not found.",
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.18.1.ResourceNotFound",
"MessageSeverity": "Critical",
"Resolution": "Provide a valid resource identifier and resubmit the request."
"code": "Base.1.18.1.ResourceNotFound",
"message": "The requested resource of type Chassis named 'chassisBAD' was not found."

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: I6e4ed1f281fd5371c978983b6cc5666badd3752c
Signed-off-by: Janet Adkins <janeta@us.ibm.com>

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d3a48a1425-Sep-2024 Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

Refactor eventMatchesFilter

eventMatchesFilter no longer needs to be a member of the Subscription
class, because it no longer uses subscription data. Refactor so it can
be in its own file, with its

Refactor eventMatchesFilter

eventMatchesFilter no longer needs to be a member of the Subscription
class, because it no longer uses subscription data. Refactor so it can
be in its own file, with its own set of unit tests.

Tested: Unit Tests pass.

Change-Id: I718fa36021078973609591c704cb717d31079df7
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

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4b712a2902-Aug-2023 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Move UserSubscription to composition

This allows for two very important simplifying changes. First, we can
use the default copy operators on the UserSubscription class, which is
far less error pron

Move UserSubscription to composition

This allows for two very important simplifying changes. First, we can
use the default copy operators on the UserSubscription class, which is
far less error prone than writing it manually, which we have two copies
of in code already.

Second, it allows the Subscription class to move to using values rather
than shared_ptr everywhere, which cleans up a significant amount of

Ran Redfish-Event-Listener, subscription created and destroyed
Calling POST SubmitTestEvent showed events propagating to server.

Change-Id: I6d258cfe3594edddf3960ae2d4559d70acca1bf8
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

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41868c6609-Oct-2024 Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

Reformat with Never-AlignTrailingComments style

clang-format currently formats the codes to align the trailing comments
of the consecutive lines via `AlignTrailingComments/Kind` as `Always` in

Reformat with Never-AlignTrailingComments style

clang-format currently formats the codes to align the trailing comments
of the consecutive lines via `AlignTrailingComments/Kind` as `Always` in
`.clang-format` file.

This could shift the comment lines by the neighboring code changes and
also potentially mislead the `diff` of code changes.

This commit is to keep the existing trailing comments as they were.

- Check whitespace only
- Code compiles & CI passes.

Change-Id: I1c64d53572a81d5012aa748fe44478f80c271c5f
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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a9d7fe1010-Oct-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

subprojects: nlohmann-json: update to 3.11.3

3.11.2 has a bug where it does not generate `json_fwd.hpp`, which
is required by sdbusplus. This is fixed in 3.11.3. Use `meson wrap
update nlohmann_js

subprojects: nlohmann-json: update to 3.11.3

3.11.2 has a bug where it does not generate `json_fwd.hpp`, which
is required by sdbusplus. This is fixed in 3.11.3. Use `meson wrap
update nlohmann_json` to get the latest WrapDB version.


Using the base Docker container from openbmc-build-scripts, previously
there was the following compile issue:

In file included from ../subprojects/sdbusplus/include/sdbusplus/bus.hpp:6,
from ../subprojects/sdbusplus/src/bus.cpp:1:
../subprojects/sdbusplus/include/sdbusplus/exception.hpp:5:10: fatal error: nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp: No such file or directory
5 | #include <nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is resolved now.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I6e30bf10f1b5ef4b0424b39314c9dcfb718cd890

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d8e2b61808-Oct-2024 Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

Fix PowerSupply GET error

The commit 3e42a3290ae35f05b30fa1863f44e95845577420[1] mistakenly
handled a check of then given powersupply id, and caused Redfish Service
Validator error.

- Verif

Fix PowerSupply GET error

The commit 3e42a3290ae35f05b30fa1863f44e95845577420[1] mistakenly
handled a check of then given powersupply id, and caused Redfish Service
Validator error.

- Verify GET
curl -k https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply0

- Redfish Service Validator on PowerSupplies passes
python3 RedfishServiceValidator.py --auth Session -i https://${bmc} -u ${user} -p ${password} \
--payload Tree /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies

[1] https://github.com/openbmc/bmcweb/commit/3e42a3290ae35f05b30fa1863f44e95845577420

Change-Id: I9abfadc5f1ad5a0fd05e596190678aa804259045
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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89449bbe12-Aug-2024 Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

update service: update the updateable BMC

Update the updateable BMC rather than functional BMC because for dual
image systems functional BMC is not updated in place.

> curl -k -H "X-Aut

update service: update the updateable BMC

Update the updateable BMC rather than functional BMC because for dual
image systems functional BMC is not updated in place.

> curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -X POST -T obmc-phosphor-image-romulus-20240529184214.static.mtd.tar https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0",
"@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task",
"Id": "0",
"TaskState": "Running",
"TaskStatus": "OK"

Change-Id: Ia11bd276ba5ac1d849942b33a7b6c50e74335024
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <paligill@gmail.com>

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e9f1201408-Oct-2024 Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

Add unit test for trailing slashes

Common error #9 requires that most urls end in a trailing slash. Given
the redfish standard, we know that all redfish routes need to end in a
trailing slash, so w

Add unit test for trailing slashes

Common error #9 requires that most urls end in a trailing slash. Given
the redfish standard, we know that all redfish routes need to end in a
trailing slash, so write a unit test that verifies that is true.

Despite code review, this appears to have snuck into the codebase in 4
different handlers. Fix those at the same time so the tests pass.

Tested: Unit tests pass.

Change-Id: I0299a7231662725a7100d5308b3977a549b49253
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

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b519006210-Jul-2024 Hieu Huynh <hieuh@os.amperecomputing.com>

Support ProductionDate report

DSP0268 Redfish Data Model Specification provides ProductionDate
property for various schema. phosphor-dbus-interface [1] also
supports BuildDate property which we can

Support ProductionDate report

DSP0268 Redfish Data Model Specification provides ProductionDate
property for various schema. phosphor-dbus-interface [1] also
supports BuildDate property which we can map from FRU data, like
`Board Manufacturer Date`.
This adds code to support which gets the date from BuildDate
property and report via Redfish.

[1] https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/blob/master/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Decorator/Asset.interface.yaml#L16

Tested: Redfish Validator passes

Signed-off-by: Hieu Huynh <hieuh@os.amperecomputing.com>
Change-Id: Ie4ae564fa00218e7896f04ec61941fa92b23b912

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15b6f9f930-May-2024 Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

Write test to ensure that redfish validates

Dependent on configuration options, we might have overlapping paths, as
what had to be fixed in:

Write test to ensure that redfish validates

Dependent on configuration options, we might have overlapping paths, as
what had to be fixed in:

We should be able to catch these in a unit test, so this commit adds a
test that initializes the Redfish tree, and ensures that the router
validates. In theory this will catch any misconfigurations we might

Tested: Unit tests pass.

Change-Id: I8721380c96301b57e40819f5ae2e725057ea1bb7
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

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352e3b7804-Oct-2024 Hieu Huynh <hieuh@os.amperecomputing.com>

dateStringToEpoch: add the additional format

This adds the additional format for ISO 8601, such as YYYYMMDD or


Test case 1:
The input ISO 8601 timestamp: 20230531T000000Z

dateStringToEpoch: add the additional format

This adds the additional format for ISO 8601, such as YYYYMMDD or


Test case 1:
The input ISO 8601 timestamp: 20230531T000000Z
The output Epoch timestamp: 1685491200000000

Test case 2:
The input ISO 8601 timestamp: 20230531
The output Epoch timestamp: 1685491200000000

Signed-off-by: Hieu Huynh <hieuh@os.amperecomputing.com>
Change-Id: I23080a466b2edeecb5d8a4fb7ec0b00739454056

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3e42a32926-Jun-2024 Lakshmi Yadlapati <lakshmiy@us.ibm.com>

Refactor mapper calls to use getAssociatedSubTreePathsById

This commit refactors power_supply to use the new ObjectMapper method
`getAssociatedSubTreePathsById`. Replaced the two separate mapper cal

Refactor mapper calls to use getAssociatedSubTreePathsById

This commit refactors power_supply to use the new ObjectMapper method
`getAssociatedSubTreePathsById`. Replaced the two separate mapper calls
`getValidChassisPath` and `getAssociatedSubTreePaths` with one call to

Tested: Validator passed
1. List Powersupplies in the system

curl -k https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies",
"@odata.type": "#PowerSupplyCollection.PowerSupplyCollection",
"Description": "The collection of PowerSupply resource instances.",
"Members": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply0"
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply1"
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply2"
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply3"
"Members@odata.count": 4,
"Name": "Power Supply Collection"

2. List powersupply0 properties

curl -k https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply0
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply0",
"@odata.type": "#PowerSupply.v1_5_0.PowerSupply",
"EfficiencyRatings": [
"EfficiencyPercent": 90
"FirmwareVersion": "030303030303",
"Id": "powersupply0",
"Location": {
"PartLocation": {
"ServiceLabel": "U78DB.ND0.WZS002U-E0"
"LocationIndicatorActive": false,
"Manufacturer": "",
"Model": "2B1E",
"Name": "Power Supply",
"PartNumber": "03FP729",
"SerialNumber": "YL30NH1BN229",
"SparePartNumber": "03FP728",
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"

3. Error condition, list unknown powersupply

curl -k https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply8
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message",
"Message": "The requested resource of type PowerSupplies named 'powersupply8' was not found.",
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.13.0.ResourceNotFound",
"MessageSeverity": "Critical",
"Resolution": "Provide a valid resource identifier and resubmit the request."
"code": "Base.1.13.0.ResourceNotFound",
"message": "The requested resource of type PowerSupplies named 'powersupply8' was not found."

4. Error condition, list unknown invalid chassis
curl -k https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/InvalidChassis/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/powersupply0
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message",
"Message": "The requested resource of type Chassis named 'InvalidChassis' was not found.",
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.18.1.ResourceNotFound",
"MessageSeverity": "Critical",
"Resolution": "Provide a valid resource identifier and resubmit the request."
"code": "Base.1.18.1.ResourceNotFound",
"message": "The requested resource of type Chassis named 'InvalidChassis' was not found."

Change-Id: I07043b15cbfa0ac9a44cbf155fad3315eeacc859
Signed-off-by: Lakshmi Yadlapati <lakshmiy@us.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

show more ...

1f1fb4f502-Oct-2024 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Extend multi system date

There was interest in discord on this. [1]. Extend the date until March
1st since we are already past Sept 1st by a month.

Don't feel keeping this causes us much harm.


Extend multi system date

There was interest in discord on this. [1]. Extend the date until March
1st since we are already past Sept 1st by a month.

Don't feel keeping this causes us much harm.

[1]: https://discord.com/channels/775381525260664832/1291015132851212330/1291070549128253501

Tested: None. Inspection only.

Change-Id: Ie318b57f60c68325a3be9707a5de869d73f69966
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

show more ...

4e196b9a27-Sep-2024 Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

json utility: Update sort algorithms

Modified sort utility to be able to sort on a specified key.
New utility function sortJsonArrayByKey() added.

- Function odataObjectCmp() renamed to obje

json utility: Update sort algorithms

Modified sort utility to be able to sort on a specified key.
New utility function sortJsonArrayByKey() added.

- Function odataObjectCmp() renamed to objectKeyCmp()
- New function odataObjectCmp() created which calls objectKeyCmp() with
@odata.id key specified.
- Comments for odataObjectCmp() didn't match behavior for object
without key. These objects are sorted as less than objects with the
- sortJSONResponse() modified to use the new sortJsonArrayByKey().

- Added new unit tests. These tests are in addition to the existing
tests. So they focus on testing comparing by different keys.
The existing tests already cover the different permutations of the
basic comparisons.
- Redfish Service validator passes

Change-Id: I949b7cb868c59a8eeda3798e6a82a1572bbc5792
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Janet Adkins <janeta@us.ibm.com>

show more ...

c5bcf35f25-Sep-2024 Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

Add searchable macros

Now that we consistently match our options to our macros, we can add
some comments into the meson.options to make it so that when that macro
is searched, it will pop up correct

Add searchable macros

Now that we consistently match our options to our macros, we can add
some comments into the meson.options to make it so that when that macro
is searched, it will pop up correctly.

Tested: No functional change.

Change-Id: I0cf26cac084b845229b9e39993fbc566a3bb6532
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

show more ...

b575caef01-Oct-2024 Jishnu CM <jishnunambiarcm@duck.com>

Bump base registry to 1.19.0

Adds GenerateSecretKeyRequired registry to the Base for MFA

Change-Id: Ia690639b4bebbbd265b223bd626b0eb814103f99
Signed-off-by: Jishnu CM <jishnunambiarcm@duck.com>
