
Use the tables at the top of the page to manage firmware images that are currently available on the BMC. The image at the top of the table is the Primary image, which will be used the next time the device is booted. To change which image is Primary, move the image you want to use as the Primary to the top of the tablw using the arrows.

Use the Upload images section of this page to transfer new firmware images to the BMC. After uploading a new image, activate it to make it available for use.

Upload from workstation

Optional text area. Can be used to explain about updating openBMC firmware from workstation. This could be step-by-step instruction. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et

Upload in progress...

Download from TFTP server

Optional text area. Can be used to explain about updating openBMC firmware from workstation. This could be step-by-step instruction. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et

Downloading in progress...