*** Settings *** Documentation This file includes all the varaibles used by obmc_boot_test.robot *** Variables *** # Alias of the master connection to the BMC ${master_alias} master # The count of the boot we're currently doing - used in the FOR loop. ${BOOT_COUNT} ${0} # The status of the last boots that finished ${BOOT_STATUS} ${EMPTY} # A list of the last 10 boots that have been performed (see Log Last Ten) @{LAST_TEN} # A list of keywords of valid boots that can be performed @{VALID_POWER_ON} BMC Power On @{VALID_POWER_OFF} BMC Power Off #@{VALID_ACCYCLE} #@{VALID_REBOOT} # The master list of all boots possible, for reference. (Currently not in use). @{MASTER_BOOT_LIST} BMC Power On BMC Power Off # The list of available boots - Modifying this will limit what boots can be done. # This list is also used by: Setup Run Table, Log Run Table @{AVAIL_BOOTS} BMC Power On BMC Power Off